Friday 4 January 2019

Film Review: Eraser

Release date: June 21st 1996.

Story: Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as John Kruger, a top US Marshal at the Witness Security Protection Program (WITSEC) whose job is to 'erase' high profile witnesses (as in faking their deaths) in order to protect them from those who want to kill them. His next mission is to protect a woman named Lee Cullen (played by Vanessa L. Williams) who has recently retrieved data about highly developed weapons (guns that shoot small bolts of compressed air instead of bullets) and that the company is selling them on the black market. But what both John and Lee don't realise is how much danger they are in. And that John's own collages and mentors might be involved as well.

My thoughts: I like this movie. I find the action good and the effects ok. If you are a fan of Schwarzenegger movies that I would recommend this.

My score: Four stars.

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