Thursday 27 December 2018

Scary story 5.

Eli. A Christmas horror.

A lot of people know who Santa Claus is. That kindly gentleman in red who delivers presents to all the good kids on the night of Christmas Eve. Well it is known that he is not just the only being associated with Christmas. There is Krampus for example. Santa’s evil twin who resembles a huge, hairy monster with goat’s hooves, long and sharp horns, red eyes, sharp teeth, and a whip like tongue. He is known to punish kids who have been naughty. But what if I were to tell you that there is a being even worse than Krampus. A creature so scary and horrible, that you cannot believe that he is associated with Christmas. He is known only as… Eli

Eli is the evil son of Santa and is best described as a cross between Santa Claus and Krampus. He resembles an elderly, skinny man with a long grey beard. He is abnormally tall and thin with broken teeth, dead grey eyes, going bald, claw like fingernails and toe nails, and wearing what looks like rags made out of animal skins. He is somewhat similar to the Wendigo of Native American legend. They say that he is always followed or is the cause of bad wither weather. He could be seen stalking people in the fog, cause sudden storms, and would spy on you from the tops of trees or rooftops. Eli doesn’t walk. Instead he float from place to place. He often lets out a loud and eerie moan. If anyone hears this, it means that he is nearby. It is also said that if you feel a sudden gust of icy cold wind blow past you, it means that Eli had just flown past you.

Unlike Santa and Krampus, Eli doesn’t venture into towns or cities. He often stays in the woodlands, mountains, and other places that always has a cold and snowy climate. He is always active during the winter season and will go into hibernation during spring, summer, and autumn. But that doesn’t mean that he stays away from settlements. He would hang around villages and wait for some unfortunate person to venture out into the winter night. Like the Wendigo, Eli often mimics the voices of people and animals to lure his victims. The only way to prevent him from going after you is to leave him an offering of bread, buttermilk, cheese, and/or chocolate. But his favourite thing to eat is meat. Particularly the flesh of anyone or any animal that sadly happen to cross his path. Other ways of protecting yourself from Eli include images of his father, bright lights, and a strong Christmas Spirit. All of these will keep him away and you are left to enjoy the festive time in peace.

So you can see why Eli is rarely known and talked about during the holidays. He is something to fear and the stuff of folk tales and legends. Better left to be forgotten. But that does not mean that he is brought up now and then. So if you feel a sudden cold in the air… You better look behind you. Cause you might never know what is following you.

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