Monday 24 December 2018

Film Review: Hamilton Mattress

Release date: 2001.

Story: Getting bored with his down of luck life, Sludger the aardvark dreams of being rich, famous, and having a pair of fabulous trousers. One day he discovers that he has a hidden talent of drumming. This gets the attention of a caterpillar named Feldwick who is also a showbiz agent. Seeing this as a big opportunity for both of them, Feldwick takes Sludger to Beak city (a city of birds in the canopy of the nearby rainforest). There they seek out a place for Sludger to start his drumming career (under the stage name Hamilton Mattress. A name that is from a mattress making company in their world). But they soon discover that it isn't going to be easy.

My thoughts: I have been looking for this for years ever since it was released and I had almost forgotten it. Now that I've finally watched it... It was ok. The characters are great and the sets are amazing. The only thing that I didn't like about it was how long it was. At sixty five minuets, it felt too short. There were scenes that I felt could have been longer (like the original company Hamilton Mattress discovered that their company's name has been stolen and tries to sue Sludge and Feldwick) and some characters I would like to have seen get more character development. Also this shows just how the showbiz life could be. With the fact that it is mainly about looks and not talent for most of the time. But it is a good animated film and I would recommend it for any fan of animated films.

My score: Four stars.

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