Tuesday 25 December 2018

Scary story 4.

The Haunted K.F.C.

Everyone knows what K.F.C is. That international chain of fast food restaurants that sells fried chicken and fries. Yes almost everyone has heard of it and had even eaten there. But there is one that nobody has ever heard of. Mainly due to the fact that it was quickly shut down months after it had opened. But the reason why it was closed remained a mystery until many years later… someone found out. And had posted it online for all the world to read.

It turns out that the land where the K.F.C was built on was haunted. For it was once a place where Satan worshipers would gather to worship and sacrifice people to their gods about six hundred years ago. And now and then they would summon demons and other supernatural monstrosities to do their bidding. This was made possible by a well that they say was a porthole to hell itself. But they were discovered and were put to death by the local lord and townsfolk. But the head Satanist yelled something about a curse for anyone who destroys their land and build on top of it before being set alight.

The town’s people never did build anything on that bit of land. Until years later that is. When the K.F.C was built. But by then the curse was long forgotten. And for the first few days… everything was ok. That is until the bad things started.

The first things to happen were that things begin to disappear. Ordinary things at first like pencils and phones. But then things started to get worse. Rats and crows begin to appear in the deep fryers, swarms of insects kept crawling inside under the doors, chairs and tables begin to move all by themselves when no one is around, and there were even reports of ghostly shadows being seen during the nightshift. But that was nothing compare to the horrors that was about to follow.

During the last week of the month. Repairmen were busy trying to lay out a new floor after a huge black gooey mould began to spread over the place. What they found was truly shocking. The K.F.C was built over a well that had a hideous green light. The same well that the Satanists were using to summon demons all those years ago. And with that there was an inhuman screaming. And the whole K.F.C was filled with a monstrous black smog. Everyone managed to escape the place but not before everything inside came alive and attacked them.

The K.F.C was closed a day after and the building was left to rot away. But now and then some people would go inside for a dare. As they do so, they see that everything is normal for a while. Then the bad things that happen all those years ago will start happening again. And this time whatever is causing all of it made sure that not one person leaves alive. This went on for many years until a large group of priests managed to exorcise the building and the demons went away. The well was filled in and the K.F.C was demolished. And in its place they built a Starbucks.

Everything returned to normal after that. But some people are still scared that the bad things would come back again someday. Many others tell them not to be so superstitious. And that there are other things to worry about. Like the fact that some things are going missing at the Starbucks.

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