Saturday 8 December 2018

Film Review: Chicken Run.

Release date: 23rd June 2000 (US release). 30th June 2000 (UK release).

Story: On a poultry farm in England, a chicken named Ginger is trying to escape with her fellow chickens due to poor conditions and cruel treatment. But her attempts keep getting thwarted and her fellow chickens are starting to loose faith in her. But then a American rooster (voiced by Mel Gibson) crash lands in the pen and (mistakenly think that he has the ability to fly) Ginger hopes that he is the answer to their prays. So she asks him to teach them how to fly. Meanwhile the owner and manager of the farm decides to turn their business from selling eggs to selling chicken pies.

My thoughts: This was the first ever film that Aardman animations has ever done (after they have done a lot of shorts, tv adverts, an music videos).  The voice acting is great and the animation is great as well. And there is even going to be a sequel goring to be released sometime in the future. There were a lot of things that were originally planed for the film but were dropped. For instance Ginger was going to have a little brother and he was going to be another comic relief. But he was later dropped and his dialog went to Babs instead.

My score: Four stars.

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