Thursday 27 December 2018

Film Review: Madman

Release date: January 15th 1982 (Delaware release). January 7 1983 (New York release). February 18th 1983 (Los Angeles release).

Story: There is an Urban legend about a farmer nicknamed Madman Marz who one night goes insane and kills his family with an axe while they were asleep. He was quickly found out after he apparently went for a drink immediately afterwards and he was hanged by a lynch mob. But when they return the next day... Mars's body is gone. They say that if you say his name out loud, he would hear it and come after you and would kill you either with an axe or by hanging you. This is a story that was told by a group of camp counsellors and they are told not to say his name louder than a whisper. But one of them ignores this and shouts it. Big mistake...

My thoughts: This is your standard slasher killer movie. Marz himself looks interesting. A deformed hulking madman with long white hair and beard, dead grey skin, and pointed nails on both of his hands and feet. There are some impressive kills in this as well. The only thing that I didn't like about this film is it's ending. If you are expecting a final showdown with Madman Marz, you will be sadly disappointed. Surprisingly this was going to be about another urban legend altogether. But they changed it when The Burning was released with a similar tale. So they made up their own legend altogether. Like I said apart from the ending, this is a great movie and I would recommend you getting the Blu-ray release by Arrow Video.

My score: Four stars.

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