Tuesday, 11 October 2016

The top ten short horror stories to read this Halloween.

No 10. Oh Susanna.

The story: This story tells about a collage girl who returns home after a long day at the library. Her roommate had just gone to bed and so she goes to bed herself. But all through the night, her roommate kept humming the tune "Oh Susanna". The girl kept asking her to stop it so she can get some sleep but her friend ignores her. Finally the girl looses it. She jumps out of her bed, goes to her friends bed, pulls the covers off, and discovers to her horror that her friend had been decapitated during the night. The girl (in shock) claims that she is having a nightmare and that she must return to sleep in order to wake up. Thus leaving the question of who had killed her friend and if that person was still in the flat. Because if her friend wasn't humming the song, then who was?

No 9. Cemetery soup.

The story: An old woman was taking a shortcut through a cemetery when she notices a bone sticking out from a grave. She then disrespectedly removes the bone from the grave and takes it home with her. With the intention of using it as a soup bone. Once she got home, she puts the bone in some boiling water (along with vegetables, salt and pepper, beef chunks, and herbs) and begins to make the soup. But while she is doing this, a disembodied voice keeps calling out to her and asking for it's bone back. But the old woman ignores it. The voice then proceeds to get louder and louder until it becomes defining. Finally the woman takes the bone, throws it out of the window in anger, and in a voice louder than the other one tells the thing to "TAKE IT!". Something then takes the bone and runs away. And woman then has a bowl of soup.

No 8. The Cats Paw.

The story: After something keeps stealing the meat from his meat larder, a famer decides to hide in the larder to catch the thief. But is surprised to see that the thief is an abnormally large female cat. When the cat tries to steal a leg of lamb, the famer fires at the cat and shoots off one of its paws. The cat then runs away in pain. The famer notices that the paw is wiggling like mad. And it then morphs into a human foot. Suddenly a neighbour appears saying that his wife had just lost her foot. But what was weirder is that she is howling and spitting just like a cat. And speaking of cats.....

No 7. Wait till Martin comes.

The story: A man is lost in the wilderness when he comes across a old house. He decides to spend the night there and continue the next morning. He finds a fireplace and (after starting a fire) falls asleep. But then he is awaken by the sound of a cat entering the room. It was then followed by a larger cat. They both look at the man. And (to the man's shock) the larger one asked "shall we do it now?" to which the little one replies "wait till Martin comes". The man begins to get nervous. Especially as bigger cats keep wondering into the room and asking the same question. There are two endings to this story. The first one is where the man runs away from the house calling back "When Martin does come, you'll tell him that I couldn't wait!". While the other ending shows him trying to leave the room.... when Martin himself enters.

No 6. Alligators.

The story: This story is about a young couple who had just moved into a quiet town near a river. The couple both love each other very much but the husband has the very odd obsession of swimming in the river all night long. And his wife would complain about how lonely she's becoming. The couple then have twin sons. But their father began to teach them how to swim. And then took them swimming in the river with him at night. The neighbours then began to notice that the woman was beginning to act strangely. Especially when she went around saying that her husband was trying to turn him and their sons into alligators by swimming in the river at night. But everyone kept saying that there was nothing wrong with a father teaching his children how to swim. And also that no one can turn into an alligator. But then one morning, the woman came running into town all soaking wet. She said that a big alligator and two little ones had pulled her into the river. They were her husband and sons and they wanted her to live with them in the murky waters. But no one took her seriously and she went into a mental hospital. And after that no one saw the husband nor the twin sons again. But those who walk by the river or go fishing would tell about seeing three alligators swimming around in the river.

No 5. Wonderful Sausage.

The story: One afternoon, a butcher kills his wife after a long and savage argument. But to keep everyone from finding out what happened, he cuts her up and (after burying her bones in the back garden) turns her into sausage meat. He then sells the sausages (saying that they were made out of a exotic animal's meat) and they instantly became a hit. So the butcher goes around killing people and turning them into sausages. But then one day he gets found out after one of his victims manages to escape. No one knows what happened to the butcher after he was caught (was he lynched or turned into a sausage) but he was never seen again.

No 4. The Big Toe.

The story: A person (either a small boy or an old woman) is digging around in their back garden, when they come across a hideous toe (either hairy, skinny, or big). They then take the toe and place it under their bed in a tin (or in one version eat it). Then they go to bed. But during the night, they keep hearing a voice calling out "Where's my toe?". And who every was calling go's inside the person's home, climbs the stairs, and enters the person's room still calling "Where's my toe?!" The story ends with a hideous monster leaping at the person yelling "YOU'VE GOT IT!".

No 3. "There is room for one more".

The story: A man journeys to Philadelphia for business reasons. He spends the night at a motel. But he has a dream where a hearse stops outside his window. And the driver says that "there is room for one more" before driving away. The next day the man puts the dream behind him and goes to Philadelphia. He then goes to the top of one of the many skyscrapers and does the said business. Afterwoulds he decides to take the lift back down to the ground floor. But when the lift arrived, it was very crowded. One of the lift's occupants noticed the man and said "there is room for one more". The man gets scared and said that he'll take the stairs, obviously remembering his dream. The lift doors closed and it started to go down. But as the man began to head for the stairs, he heard a loud snap. Then the sounds of people screaming. It turns out that the lift's cables had snapped. Plunging everyone inside to their deaths.
No 2. Harold.

The story: When things get boring on a cow farm, two famers decided to create a doll/scarecrow to put in the vegetable garden. So they made one and named it Harold (named after a local famer that they both hated). Over time they began to treat the doll as if it was Harold himself. From light playful  jokes to physical violence when things go wrong. They even smear food in it's face. But after some days of this, the doll slowly comes to life and decides to get revenge on the two famers. From grunting and getting on their nerves to climbing onto the roof of their home and stomping around. The two famers are so scared of what Harold might do next that they decided to move the cows to another location. Where they hoped to stay the rest of the year safe and sound. But when they arrived, they realised that they had forgot some milking stools, so one of them decides to go back for them. But when the other famer goes back when his friend didn't come back for hours, he noticed Harold on the roof of the house again. Only this time it was stretching out a freshly cut and bloody human skin to dry in the sun.

No 1. The Tailypo.

The story: After an unsuccessful hunting trip, a hunter returns home to his hut to discover that a tail of an abnormally large rat like creature was poking out of the ceiling. He then grabs a large knife and cuts off the tail. And what ever the creature was ran off. The hunter then decides to roast and eat the tail (seeing that there was nothing else for him to eat) and afterwoulds goes to bed. But during the night the hunter hears the creature coming back and asking for it's tail back. It get's closer and closer till it is right at the foot of the bed. Then kills the hunter.

Monday, 18 July 2016

Gaming review: Diamantalia

Image result for diamantalia
Creator: Kyokoon64 and Lubo.

Story: After getting fed up with the Hetalia casts and wanting to find a better place, Canada falls into a fountain (in a Alice in Wonderland style) and ends up in a mystical world. Where the only four kingdoms are based on playing cards (the Heart kingdom, the Spade kingdom, the Club kingdom, and the Diamonds kingdom). After learning from the Jokers (Prussia and Sealand) that he is the exact copy of the prince of the diamond kingdom that had ran away ten years ago, Canada travels to said kingdom and is mistaken for the long lost prince. There he finds out that all four of the kingdoms are at war with each other and then sets out to try and make peace between them.

Completed?: No.

What do I think?: I think that this is a good game. The idea of creating kingdoms base on playing cards isn't new but it's nice to see a new twist to the idea. Also the fact that the Hetalia cast are the rulers of the kingdoms (France being the king of diamonds for example). I am looking forward for the update for this game so that I can review it as a whole.

Any dislikes?: None so far. Although the part in the beginning with America stealing both of Russia and Ukraine's lunches was a bit too mean for my taste (but hey that's just me).

Final score: Five stars and six happy faces. 

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Game Reviews: Pokemon Go

Image result for pokemon go

Yesterday I had purchased the Pokemon App for my phone. And I have to say that I really enjoy it. The app in question allows you to travel around your local airers and (while using your GPS on your phone) you would encounter pokemons. And you are given the option to either battle them, capture them, or just leave them. I just tried it out yesterday and I had captured five pokemons. They are two Rattatas, a Pidgey, a Staryu (in a forest which was weird because they are water types), A Weedil, and a Squirtle (which I accidently picked as my starter pokemon). And just today I took it around the town and now I got a Pidgeyot, a Clafairy, a Abra, and another Rattata.

I have to say that this is a really good app. It would make walks more interesting for everyone. But sadly there are downsides to this as well. Like the fact that you have to have a clear WIFI and GPS signal at all times. And the fact that there might be pokemons in places that are out of bounds or dangerous (like back alleyways, swamps, in peoples back gardens, etc). And also you'll get stories about criminals who are using the app to locate victims or those who get into accidents. So if you do get this app always remember to look up more often and be weary of other people. Also the fact that you have to spend real money to get Poke dollars so that you can buy more stuff for your back pack.

But apart from that, I love this app. It makes me feel great to walk around my local airer and capturing wild pokemon. I am searching for the ones on my top twenty favourite pokemons list (like Gengar, Muk, and Raichu). Plus its an opportunity for families to go for walks if you have this. You would also come across gyms, pokemon centres, and poke shops along the way (although they are just random things like buildings, statues, ordainments, a pub sign in my case). But unless you are a level 5 or up, you cannot battle others.

So in conclusion, this is a must have for Pokemon fans of all ages. But do be careful about where you go and don't do it at night, while you are driving, or if you are about to do things like crossing the road.

The Score: Five stars and ten happy faces.
Image result for Pikachu
"Catch me if you can!"

Monday, 4 July 2016

Gaming reviews: First Date.

Image result for hetalia first date

Creator: Kyokoon64.

Characters: Germany, Italy, Prussia, and France.

Story: Germany does something out of the blue and asks Italy out on a date. So it's just them going out for dinner, a movie, then a late night stroll through the park. But things are not easy when Prussia and France both find out and decide to stalk them.

Complete?: The full game is out now.

What do I think?: Like Dreamtalia, this is a good game. The art work is also good and it is also a multi choice game. Kyo had made this game especially for her partner Dignified and you can really tell how much work she had put into this just for her closest friend. And also the events in the game actually echo events that they did together in real life (like making flower crowns). Also of note both Kyokoon and Dignified appear in the game as Easter eggs.

Do I recommend this?: Yes I do. Even though it is a short game, you can replay the levels and see the different paths that were available (even though they are just dialog options). It is nice to see people making things for their love ones. Like the saying goes "The gift that shows the most love is the gift that you made yourself".

Any dislikes?: None.

Score: Five stars and ten happy faces.

Gaming reviews. Dreamtalia.

Image result for Hetalia dreamtalia

Creator: Kyokoon64 and friends.

Characters: The cast of Hetalia.

Story: After several people began to fall into mysterious comas, England finds out that a dream demon called a Fauchereve had taken over Italy and is using him as a host. After getting the other nations together, England explains that the only way of freeing Italy and the other victims is to enter the dream world and defeat the Fauchereve on it's home ground. But first they had to free the other victims that are under it's control.

Completed?: Yes.

My views: I think that this is really good. There is a lot of ideas and imagination that were put into making this and it really stands out. Also there is even winks to things from the original manga. Also the idea about entering a dream world is interesting to explore. 

Would I recommend it?:  I would highly recommend you to play it.

Any dislikes?: None.

Score: Five stars.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Top ten legendary creatures from around the world.

No 10. Baba Yaga.
Image result for Witch Baba Yaga

Location: North eastern Europe but mainly Russia.

Facts: Baba Yaga is the ultimate witch. She lives deep with in the Russian forests in a hut which has the legs and talons of a chicken. And instead of the traditional broomstick as her source of transport, she uses a mortar (a bow which has a rough interior which is used to grind up ingredients) to fly around in and uses a pestle (a small and slightly heavy club like instrument used to grind things in the mortar) as a means of steering. Baba Yaga's character is different from story to story. In some she is a helper to those who had encountered her or had seek her out. While in others she is an evil old hag who kidnaps children while they sleep.

No 9. The Boogeyman.
Image result for Boogeyman Monster

Location: Mainly in Europe and North America.

Facts: Also known as the monster that lives under your bed or in the wardrobe/closet, This creature waits till you are asleep and then scares you. It has no physical appearance so it lurks wherever there is darkness or shadows. But despite what movies, comics, and more modern stories say, the boogeyman cannot physically or mentally harm you. Otherwise it would be dragged back into another dimension and would never be seen again. Also it is terrified of bright lights, parents and teddy bears so it's pretty pathetic.

No 8. Black ghost dogs/ Demon hounds.
Image result for Black Dog Ghost

Location: Great Britain (mainly England) Germany, and Northern France.

Facts: Made famous by the Sherlock Holmes story "The Hound of the Baskervilles", these monsters are said to chase after people who had either crossed their path or if the said person had done anything wrong. These dogs (of no known breed but are large, jet black, have razor sharp teeth, and blood red eyes) are said to come out from hell in the dead of night to seek either sinners or those who were stupid to stay out at night. The only way to protect yourselves from these monsters is to be a good person, go to church, or have something like a bibel on you.

No 7. Kappas.
Image result for Kappa Mythical Creature

Location: Japan.

Facts: These strange half turtle and half monkey creatures lurk in the rivers, ponds, swamps, and any other water airers in Japan. They either cause mischief (such as stealing swimmers cloths or squirting water at people from their beaks) or harm (such as dragging any poor soul under the water in the attempt to drown them). If you come across one that would cause harm, don't panic. They do have a weakness. On top of their heads is a small pool of water. This water is their life source and so they can never look down when on dry land. In doing so the water would pour out from their heads and they would dry up and die. The way of dealing with these is to trick them into looking down. But this is sometimes difficult seeing that they have intelligence.

No 6. The Banshee.
Image result for Irish Banshee

Location: Ireland.

Facts: This is a ghost of either a beautiful young woman or a old hag with an ear piercing scream. The legend says that if you hear a banshee, it means that you would either go mad or that something terrible would happen to you in the near future.

No 5. Trolls.
Image result for Norwegian Trolls Legends

Location: Scandinavia (but mainly Norway).

Facts: These humanoid monsters very in size and shape. Some are short while others are gigantic. Some are hairy while some are not. And some can be intelligence wile some are just rampaging monsters. They can be found in forests, in the mountains, in caves, or under bridges. They can also smell a the blood of a Christian within short range. But whatever type of troll there is, they all have one thing in common. They cannot be in sunlight. During the daytime they have to hide. Cause otherwise they would either explode or turn to stone.

No 4. The White Stag.
Image result for White stag

Location: Worldwide.

Facts: Made popular in the Chronicles of Narnia books, The white stag is a mythical Red deer with pure white fur and large glowing antlers. It is said that if you capture it or even see it, You can have any wish that you want.

No 3. Giants.
Image result for Giants Myth
Location: Worldwide.

Facts: These are just basically humans but much bigger. They can be from fifteen meters to 60 meters tall. They can be found anywhere and everywhere. Unlike trolls, giants can go outside in the sunlight with no ill effects and have great intelligence.

No 2. Gremlins.
Image result for gremlins ww 2
Locations: Europe and North America.

Facts: Like in the movies, Gremlins are goblin like creatures that love to cause havoc and chaos everywhere they go. They can get into anything (cars, planes, computers, televisions, among others) and break them. Either swapping parts around or just breaking them completely.

No 1. Krampus.
Image result for Krampus
Locations: North America, Germany and middle eastern Europe.

Facts: Krampus is Father Christmas's evil twin brother. Where Father Christmas goes around giving toys to all the good children in the world, Krampus goes around delivering punishment for all the bad ones. Either terrifying them, whipping them with red hot chains, or (if they have been really bad) kidnaps them and takes them to his firey lair. He looks like a demon with hairy skin, goat legs and hooves, a long tail, claw like hands, pointed or carved horns, evil eyes, a sinister grin, and a whip like tongue.

Footnote: All of these are not real. They are just taken from stories of myth, legend, folk law, and dreams. Apart from the White Stag, these creatures and monsters don't exist.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Ideas for anime. Hetalia meets Soul Eater meets Rosario + Vampire.

Image result for hetalia Image result for Soul Eater TV Image result for rosario vampire

Hetalia, Soul Eater, and Rosario + vampire are animes based of popular mangas. I have always wondered what will happen if these three have a crossover. After seeing the Dragonball Z, One Piece, and Toriko crossover, I was beginning to wonder if any other animes are going to get the same treatment. Then this idea came to my mind. I am already writing a fan fiction about this but I am suffering from writers block at the moment (so spoilers ahead). But I have a basic idea of the story. I could see this idea as either an R.P.G game or a fan made manga. So this is my ideas for this epic cross over.

Idea 1. The story.
My idea is that a mysterious being known as the Collector has kidnapped the main characters from these animes and had trapped them all on a floating island in another universe. All of whom have been mixed into three separate groups and they have to get along together if they have to find who is responsible and to get back home. But things are not easy when the Collector keeps making them do trials and puzzles.

Idea 2. The meeting of the three worlds.
In the Dragonball Z, One Piece, and Toriko crossover, there wasn't any part where the characters actually introduce each other. There was no "Who are you?" or "Where did you come from?". They just seemingly know of each other and just get on with the adventure. So in this crossover there is a lot of that. There is also some flirting going on as well like Mizore and Canada becoming an item. Also England could start teaching Yukari enhanced magic and perhaps (after a misunderstanding) Inner Moka fights China.

Idea 3. The Collectors world.
My idea for the Collector's world is something that is like The Hunger Games. Like a floating island with sections full of puzzles and death traps. Even a large castle at the very centre which is the Collector's base of operations. Each section is different from the other. There is a jungle one, a desert one, a city one, an artic one, and many others as well. Each time the characters complete a section, they are given a piece of something that will lead them to where they can get back home.

What do you think of this anime idea? Please tell me in the comment section below. And also tell me if I should change somethings.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Top ten foods that I enjoy.

No 10. Salads.

No 9. Onion rings.

No 8. Tuna steak.

No 7. Fried calamari (fried squid).
Image result for calamari

No 6. Steak Dinner.
Image result for Steak and Fries

No 5. Pizza.

No 4. Burgers.

No 3. Curry.
Image result for chicken korma

No 2. Crispy duck with special fried rice.

No 1. Fish & Chips.

Honourable mentions:

No 5: Roast dinners.
Image result for roast dinner

No 4: Ribs.
Image result for BBQ ribs

No 3: Fried chicken.
Image result for Fried Chicken

No 2: Non spicy Tacos:
Image result for Tacos

No 1: Ham, egg, and chips.
Image result for ham egg and chips

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

My top ten Doctor who stories involving the Daleks.

No 10. Dalek (2005).
Image result for Dalek
The very first appearance of the Daleks in the new Doctor Who series.

No 9. The Daleks (1963).

The very first appearance of the Daleks ever.

No 8. Doomsday (2006).

The first time the Daleks met the Cybermen.

No 7. Remembrance of the Daleks (1988).

Where the Daleks are having a civil war and they have developed racism.

No 6. Planet of the Daleks (1973).

Where the Daleks try to learn the art of invisibility. Also the Supreme Dalek looks a lot like the Daleks from the new series.

No 5. The Chase (1965).
Image result for Daleks the chase
Where the Daleks chase after the Doctor thru space and time. Then encounter the Mechanoids.

No 4. The Daleks invasion of Earth (1964).

The first time the Daleks had invaded Earth.

No 3. The Genesis of the Daleks (1975).

The story where the Daleks are created and the first story to introduce Davros.

No 2. The Stolen Earth/Journey's end (2008).

The final two episodes of series 4 of the new series which reintroduces Davros.

No 1. Death to the Daleks (1974).

The first Dalek story I have ever seen and also the first Doctor who story I have ever seen (also the first one with Jon Pertwee's doctor and with Sarah Jane as the companion).

Thursday, 28 April 2016

My top ten urban legends.

No 10. The phantom butterfly of England.

During the late Victorian era in England, A musical composer was asked to make a musical/ballet based on Little Red Riding Hood. He accepted and began to write out the scripts and the musical sections. But due to countless delays, rewrites, and money problems, the composer ended up devolving major health problems (mainly due to his old age) and when he finally finished it, he died of heart failure. Leaving his son to take over productions (who had dedicated this production to his father). Everything went well until it came to opening night. When the opening ballet segment began, everyone eyes were drawn to an abnormally large butterfly that had flown onto the stage and was fluttering above the dancer's heads. But everyone thought that it was part of the play and enjoyed the rest of the show. The musical/ballet was a major hit and it enjoyed many years of showings. But since then no one had understood what the butterfly is or why it was there. But it has been said that if you are going to do anything entertaining on stage (either doing a play, sing songs, or doing a stand up comedy), if you see an abnormally large butterfly that is slightly transparent. then it means that your performance is going to be a hit.

No 9. Bloody Mary.

Legend says that if you stand in front of a mirror at midnight in a dark room with only a candle for light and say "Bloody Mary" thirteen times, then the face of a scary young woman would appear. This legend dates back to the late 18th century. When there was a girl who was kept in a home without any mirrors. Due to the fact that she wasn't beautiful and that her parents didn't want her to see her face. But then one night during a storm, the girl went to find her parents and then came across a mirror that her parents had hidden in a cupboard. And then she saw her face in the reflection. The shock was so terrifying to her that she died of shock. And it is said that her ghost in habits all the mirrors in the world. The chant differs in many countries. In England it is thirteen times, In Australia it is three times, and in America it is five times. But it is said that if you are hansom or beautiful, then she will leap out of the mirror and attack out. But the only way of defeating her is to turn on the lights. And then she will be banished back into the mirror world.

No 8. Teke, teke.

This one comes from Japan (as of two more on this list). It tells the story of a high school girl who fell on some railway tracks (in some versions she was pushed while in others she slipped) and was cut in half by a passing train. But it is said that her ghost haunts high schools, railways, abandon buildings, and the urban streets in Japan. Despite being cut in half, she can run very fast on her hands. She also makes a Teke, Teke noise. This is cause either by a facial tick she had developed or by her long fingernails on the ground or on wooden floors. Also it is said that she uses her fingernails to kill her victims or she uses a scythe (which I find idiotic seeing that she runs on her hands). So they say that if you are visiting Japan, don't trust any girl or woman if you can't see their legs.

No 7. Crackling candy and fizzy drinks don't mix.
They say that if you eat crackling candy and drink any fizzy drink at once, then it causes your stomach to explode. This has been debunked as nonsense. But do make sure that you eat and drink healthily.

No 6. Aka Manto (a.k.a Red Cloak).

Another one from Japan. This says that after you used the public toilets or cloak rooms in Japan, you will be greeted by a hooded figure. Who will offer you a choice in either a red cloak or a blue cloak (or different coloured toilet paper in some variations). But what ever you choose would be fatal. If you choose red then it will slit your throat. If you choose blue then it will strangle you. The way of beating it is to say no thanks and leave. But don't sagest any other colour then it will really get creative (as in if you ask for yellow, then it will drown you in the toilet that you just used).

No 5. The Hook.

This one tells about two teenage lovers on lovers lane. They are listening to some music on the radio wile making out when a news report cuts in. Saying that a psychopathic killer has escaped from an nearby asylum and is sighted in the airer that the lovers are right now. And that he is described as having a hook instead of a right hand. The girl is frightened by this while the boy doesn't care much and just wants to continue (but locks the car for her sake). But after a series of strange noises and the girl seeing things, the boy gives up and drives his date home. When they get to the girl's home, the boy apologises for being selfish. To which the girl is grateful and invites him inside. Happily the boy gets out of the car and goes to the passenger door to let his date out. Only to discover that there is a hook imbedded in the door. This urban legend has different variations. In some stories the boy gets out of the car to check the surrounding airer. Only to return to find that his date had been killed and that there was a hook imbedded in her face. This story is told to young couples in order that they take care of themselves. Don't drive to unknown and deserted places to have some time to themselves in case there is the risk of being attacked.

No 4. The slit mouthed woman.

Yet another one from Japan. This tells the story of you encountering a beautiful woman wearing a surgeons mask (which is common in Japan and other Asian countries due to pollution problems) and carrying either a knife or a pair of scissors. If you encounter her, she will ask you if she is beautiful. If you say yes then she will remove her mask to reveal that her mouth had been slit. Making her look like she is constantly smiling. She will then ask you the same question. And this is where you have to be careful with your answer. If you say yes, then she will slit your mouth so that you'll look like her. If you say no, then she will go into a rage and kill you. It is also not good to turn and run because she will chase after you. And it is also not good if you say that she isn't beautiful before she takes her mask off because she will kill you in a savage rage. The only way to escape her is to either say "You look average" or "what do you think?". And when she is confused, you can escape with ease. The women in question is said to be the ghost of a woman who married a samurai in Ancient Japan. But it was discovered that she had been cheating on him with other men. So her husband slashed her face with his sword. Leaving her with her hideous face scar.

No 3. The bunny-man and the bunny-man bridge.

This urban legend is about a serial killer that had escaped when the prison bus that he was on had slid off the road and crashed. Killing everyone except him. And since then there have been reports of a maniac wearing a makeshift rabbit costume (properly made from actual rabbit skins) attacking random people with a hatchet (a small axe) while screaming that they are trespassing on his property. Which is mainly near this bridge in the picture. It is said that if you hang around this bridge at midnight, the bunny-man would appear and attack you.

No 2. The clown/angle statue.
Image result for the clown statue ghost story
This is part of the many babysitter or house sitter urban legends. In this one a young woman is asked to look after the children while their parents are out for the evening. She gets phoned by the dad who wants to know if everything is ok. The young woman says that everything is ok but she then asks if it's ok to cover up a creepy clown statue that was in the living room. The dad then panics and demands that she get the children and get out of the house while he calls the police. Because they did not have a clown statue. And the fact that his children had been saying that there was a clown spying on them. This legend has two endings. In one the young woman and the children escape with their lives while the clown is caught by the police. While in the other ending the young woman and the children are found dead and the clown is no where to be seen. And in some stories it is an angle statue instead of a clown.

No 1. Killer in the back seat.

This one tells about a lone driver (mainly a woman) who had just left a petrol station and is on their way home. But then notices that they are being followed by another driver. and every now and then kept turning their headlights on bright. No matter how fast our protagonist drives, the second car stays right behind them. Soon they reach their home. They then leap out of their car and ran towards their front door in order to escape the driver of the second car who had just got out as well. But not only were they surprised when the second drive completely ignores them, but also shocked when they reached into their car and pull out a stranger from the back seat. As it turns out that the driver of the second car saw this person sneaking into the protagonist's car with the intension of killing them. So they followed them all the way to their home, not wanting them to get killed. Every time the killer was about to strike, the driver would turn his headlights on full in order to frighten the killer. This is basically a "DON'T LEAVE YOUR CAR UNLOCKED AT ALL TIMES!" story.

Foot note: None of these stories are real. They are just scary stories to frighten people.