Monday 4 July 2016

Gaming reviews. Dreamtalia.

Image result for Hetalia dreamtalia

Creator: Kyokoon64 and friends.

Characters: The cast of Hetalia.

Story: After several people began to fall into mysterious comas, England finds out that a dream demon called a Fauchereve had taken over Italy and is using him as a host. After getting the other nations together, England explains that the only way of freeing Italy and the other victims is to enter the dream world and defeat the Fauchereve on it's home ground. But first they had to free the other victims that are under it's control.

Completed?: Yes.

My views: I think that this is really good. There is a lot of ideas and imagination that were put into making this and it really stands out. Also there is even winks to things from the original manga. Also the idea about entering a dream world is interesting to explore. 

Would I recommend it?:  I would highly recommend you to play it.

Any dislikes?: None.

Score: Five stars.

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