No 10. Baba Yaga.

Location: North eastern Europe but mainly Russia.
Facts: Baba Yaga is the ultimate witch. She lives deep with in the Russian forests in a hut which has the legs and talons of a chicken. And instead of the traditional broomstick as her source of transport, she uses a mortar (a bow which has a rough interior which is used to grind up ingredients) to fly around in and uses a pestle (a small and slightly heavy club like instrument used to grind things in the mortar) as a means of steering. Baba Yaga's character is different from story to story. In some she is a helper to those who had encountered her or had seek her out. While in others she is an evil old hag who kidnaps children while they sleep.
No 9. The Boogeyman.

Location: Mainly in Europe and North America.
Facts: Also known as the monster that lives under your bed or in the wardrobe/closet, This creature waits till you are asleep and then scares you. It has no physical appearance so it lurks wherever there is darkness or shadows. But despite what movies, comics, and more modern stories say, the boogeyman cannot physically or mentally harm you. Otherwise it would be dragged back into another dimension and would never be seen again. Also it is terrified of bright lights, parents and teddy bears so it's pretty pathetic.
No 8. Black ghost dogs/ Demon hounds.

Location: Great Britain (mainly England) Germany, and Northern France.
Facts: Made famous by the Sherlock Holmes story "The Hound of the Baskervilles", these monsters are said to chase after people who had either crossed their path or if the said person had done anything wrong. These dogs (of no known breed but are large, jet black, have razor sharp teeth, and blood red eyes) are said to come out from hell in the dead of night to seek either sinners or those who were stupid to stay out at night. The only way to protect yourselves from these monsters is to be a good person, go to church, or have something like a bibel on you.
No 7. Kappas.

Location: Japan.
Facts: These strange half turtle and half monkey creatures lurk in the rivers, ponds, swamps, and any other water airers in Japan. They either cause mischief (such as stealing swimmers cloths or squirting water at people from their beaks) or harm (such as dragging any poor soul under the water in the attempt to drown them). If you come across one that would cause harm, don't panic. They do have a weakness. On top of their heads is a small pool of water. This water is their life source and so they can never look down when on dry land. In doing so the water would pour out from their heads and they would dry up and die. The way of dealing with these is to trick them into looking down. But this is sometimes difficult seeing that they have intelligence.
No 6. The Banshee.

Location: North eastern Europe but mainly Russia.
Facts: Baba Yaga is the ultimate witch. She lives deep with in the Russian forests in a hut which has the legs and talons of a chicken. And instead of the traditional broomstick as her source of transport, she uses a mortar (a bow which has a rough interior which is used to grind up ingredients) to fly around in and uses a pestle (a small and slightly heavy club like instrument used to grind things in the mortar) as a means of steering. Baba Yaga's character is different from story to story. In some she is a helper to those who had encountered her or had seek her out. While in others she is an evil old hag who kidnaps children while they sleep.
No 9. The Boogeyman.
Location: Mainly in Europe and North America.
Facts: Also known as the monster that lives under your bed or in the wardrobe/closet, This creature waits till you are asleep and then scares you. It has no physical appearance so it lurks wherever there is darkness or shadows. But despite what movies, comics, and more modern stories say, the boogeyman cannot physically or mentally harm you. Otherwise it would be dragged back into another dimension and would never be seen again. Also it is terrified of bright lights, parents and teddy bears so it's pretty pathetic.
No 8. Black ghost dogs/ Demon hounds.
Location: Great Britain (mainly England) Germany, and Northern France.
Facts: Made famous by the Sherlock Holmes story "The Hound of the Baskervilles", these monsters are said to chase after people who had either crossed their path or if the said person had done anything wrong. These dogs (of no known breed but are large, jet black, have razor sharp teeth, and blood red eyes) are said to come out from hell in the dead of night to seek either sinners or those who were stupid to stay out at night. The only way to protect yourselves from these monsters is to be a good person, go to church, or have something like a bibel on you.
No 7. Kappas.

Facts: These strange half turtle and half monkey creatures lurk in the rivers, ponds, swamps, and any other water airers in Japan. They either cause mischief (such as stealing swimmers cloths or squirting water at people from their beaks) or harm (such as dragging any poor soul under the water in the attempt to drown them). If you come across one that would cause harm, don't panic. They do have a weakness. On top of their heads is a small pool of water. This water is their life source and so they can never look down when on dry land. In doing so the water would pour out from their heads and they would dry up and die. The way of dealing with these is to trick them into looking down. But this is sometimes difficult seeing that they have intelligence.
No 6. The Banshee.

Location: Ireland.
Facts: This is a ghost of either a beautiful young woman or a old hag with an ear piercing scream. The legend says that if you hear a banshee, it means that you would either go mad or that something terrible would happen to you in the near future.
No 5. Trolls.
Location: Scandinavia (but mainly Norway).
Facts: These humanoid monsters very in size and shape. Some are short while others are gigantic. Some are hairy while some are not. And some can be intelligence wile some are just rampaging monsters. They can be found in forests, in the mountains, in caves, or under bridges. They can also smell a the blood of a Christian within short range. But whatever type of troll there is, they all have one thing in common. They cannot be in sunlight. During the daytime they have to hide. Cause otherwise they would either explode or turn to stone.
No 4. The White Stag.
Location: Worldwide.
Facts: Made popular in the Chronicles of Narnia books, The white stag is a mythical Red deer with pure white fur and large glowing antlers. It is said that if you capture it or even see it, You can have any wish that you want.
No 3. Giants.
Location: Worldwide.
Facts: These are just basically humans but much bigger. They can be from fifteen meters to 60 meters tall. They can be found anywhere and everywhere. Unlike trolls, giants can go outside in the sunlight with no ill effects and have great intelligence.
No 2. Gremlins.
Locations: Europe and North America.
Facts: Like in the movies, Gremlins are goblin like creatures that love to cause havoc and chaos everywhere they go. They can get into anything (cars, planes, computers, televisions, among others) and break them. Either swapping parts around or just breaking them completely.
No 1. Krampus.

Locations: North America, Germany and middle eastern Europe.
Facts: Krampus is Father Christmas's evil twin brother. Where Father Christmas goes around giving toys to all the good children in the world, Krampus goes around delivering punishment for all the bad ones. Either terrifying them, whipping them with red hot chains, or (if they have been really bad) kidnaps them and takes them to his firey lair. He looks like a demon with hairy skin, goat legs and hooves, a long tail, claw like hands, pointed or carved horns, evil eyes, a sinister grin, and a whip like tongue.
Footnote: All of these are not real. They are just taken from stories of myth, legend, folk law, and dreams. Apart from the White Stag, these creatures and monsters don't exist.
No 1. Krampus.
Facts: Krampus is Father Christmas's evil twin brother. Where Father Christmas goes around giving toys to all the good children in the world, Krampus goes around delivering punishment for all the bad ones. Either terrifying them, whipping them with red hot chains, or (if they have been really bad) kidnaps them and takes them to his firey lair. He looks like a demon with hairy skin, goat legs and hooves, a long tail, claw like hands, pointed or carved horns, evil eyes, a sinister grin, and a whip like tongue.
Footnote: All of these are not real. They are just taken from stories of myth, legend, folk law, and dreams. Apart from the White Stag, these creatures and monsters don't exist.
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