Saturday 16 July 2016

Game Reviews: Pokemon Go

Image result for pokemon go

Yesterday I had purchased the Pokemon App for my phone. And I have to say that I really enjoy it. The app in question allows you to travel around your local airers and (while using your GPS on your phone) you would encounter pokemons. And you are given the option to either battle them, capture them, or just leave them. I just tried it out yesterday and I had captured five pokemons. They are two Rattatas, a Pidgey, a Staryu (in a forest which was weird because they are water types), A Weedil, and a Squirtle (which I accidently picked as my starter pokemon). And just today I took it around the town and now I got a Pidgeyot, a Clafairy, a Abra, and another Rattata.

I have to say that this is a really good app. It would make walks more interesting for everyone. But sadly there are downsides to this as well. Like the fact that you have to have a clear WIFI and GPS signal at all times. And the fact that there might be pokemons in places that are out of bounds or dangerous (like back alleyways, swamps, in peoples back gardens, etc). And also you'll get stories about criminals who are using the app to locate victims or those who get into accidents. So if you do get this app always remember to look up more often and be weary of other people. Also the fact that you have to spend real money to get Poke dollars so that you can buy more stuff for your back pack.

But apart from that, I love this app. It makes me feel great to walk around my local airer and capturing wild pokemon. I am searching for the ones on my top twenty favourite pokemons list (like Gengar, Muk, and Raichu). Plus its an opportunity for families to go for walks if you have this. You would also come across gyms, pokemon centres, and poke shops along the way (although they are just random things like buildings, statues, ordainments, a pub sign in my case). But unless you are a level 5 or up, you cannot battle others.

So in conclusion, this is a must have for Pokemon fans of all ages. But do be careful about where you go and don't do it at night, while you are driving, or if you are about to do things like crossing the road.

The Score: Five stars and ten happy faces.
Image result for Pikachu
"Catch me if you can!"

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