Monday 4 July 2016

Gaming reviews: First Date.

Image result for hetalia first date

Creator: Kyokoon64.

Characters: Germany, Italy, Prussia, and France.

Story: Germany does something out of the blue and asks Italy out on a date. So it's just them going out for dinner, a movie, then a late night stroll through the park. But things are not easy when Prussia and France both find out and decide to stalk them.

Complete?: The full game is out now.

What do I think?: Like Dreamtalia, this is a good game. The art work is also good and it is also a multi choice game. Kyo had made this game especially for her partner Dignified and you can really tell how much work she had put into this just for her closest friend. And also the events in the game actually echo events that they did together in real life (like making flower crowns). Also of note both Kyokoon and Dignified appear in the game as Easter eggs.

Do I recommend this?: Yes I do. Even though it is a short game, you can replay the levels and see the different paths that were available (even though they are just dialog options). It is nice to see people making things for their love ones. Like the saying goes "The gift that shows the most love is the gift that you made yourself".

Any dislikes?: None.

Score: Five stars and ten happy faces.

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