Friday 19 October 2018

The top five games to play on Halloween.

 No 5: Sour Sweet/Candy Roulette.

Things you'll need: You will need a small blank bag, a handful of sweets, three or four sour sweets, and five players.

Rules: The players must sit in a circle. And without them seeing, place a small amount of sweets (plus one sour sweet) in the bag. Then each player must take out a sweet from the bag and eat it. This will continue until one player gets the sour sweet. Then that player leaves the game and (after refilling the bag) the game continues. Then the winner is the one who doesn't get a sour sweet through out the whole game.

No 4: Guest the horror theme tune.

Things you'll need: A CD, tape, or iTunes selection of theme tunes of horror movies an tv shows.

Rules: The players have to guess which horror movie or tv show the tune has come from. With each correct guess, the player gets a point. And the player with the most points wins.

No 3: Jigsaw Skeletons.

Things you'll need: Two skeletons (either made out of cardboard or plastic) and two teams of two players.

Rules: The skeletons are broken up and placed in a bowl. And the players have to put their skeletons together within a time limit. And the winner is the team who has the most assemble skeleton.

No 2: Find the skull.

Things you'll need: A small plastic skull (or anything else that is related to Halloween).

Rules: Someone hides the skull either in the room or the house. And then everyone goes searching for it. The winner is the one who finds it first.

No 1: Bloody Mary.

Things you'll need: A mirror and several candles.

Rules: The player must look into a mirror at midnight. Turn all of the lights off and light the candles. Then they must chant "Bloody Mary" a number of times (it varies from country to country). If you are successful, the image of a ghost girl will appear in the mirror. They say that the ghost will try and attack whoever is looking at them. If this happens, you must turn on the lights immediately. This will make the ghost disappear back to the other world.

These are just some of the things that you can do on Halloween. Apart from Trick or Treating, having costume parties, visiting haunted houses, among other things. But if you do go out on Halloween, make sure that you stay safe, don't go wondering off alone or far from where you live, and only go with people you know.

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