Sunday 14 October 2018

My top ten favourite cryptids and monsters.

No 10: The Mothman.
A being that is 20% man and 80% moth. It is said that when ever the Mothman appears, trouble and disaster follows. Many eyewitness accounts describe the Mothman as having the body, arms, and legs of a man but with the fur, wings, and head of a moth. With glowing red eyes. There is another version of this cryptid known as the Owlman.

No 9: Black dogs and Demon hounds.
These monsters (made famous by the Sherlock Holmes mystery The hound of the Baskervilles) are known through out north west Europe (including Great Britain and Germany). They are abnormally large dogs with jet black fur, glowing red eyes, and smoke coming out of either the nostrils or the mouth. They are known to chase after sinners and bad people in order to drag them into hell. But if you are not a bad person and just so happen to come across one, you will suffer from bad luck and misfortune.

No 8: Skin-walkers.
These cryptids are from Native American folklore and legends. They are normal people who when wearing the skin of an animal (a jackal in most cases) and chant a spell, will change mentally and sometimes physically into the animal (not to be confused with werewolves). There have been a number of sightings of Skin-walkers from early colonial times to today. From encountered a abnormally shaped wolf with bear like features to seeing a deer walking around on its back legs as if it was human. Skin-walkers can also mimic voices of people. They use this to lure their victims to their deaths.

No 7: The Goatman.
This one from the U.S.A is about a human/goat hybrid. He used to be either a scientist that was experimenting on himself or a murderer who had a curse put on him. But whatever version you heard, the Goatman is something you should never encounter. He is also known to carry an axe and (like Skin-walkers) can mimic other peoples voices.

No 6: Sewer pigs.
Before the urban legend of alligators living in the sewers came along. Pigs and wild boars were the original animals that were thought to live in the sewers. Tells were told of sewer workers being chased or seeing an abnormally large and savage pig wondering around the dark and damp sewer tunnels during the 15th and 16th centuries.

No 5: The Jersey devil.
This one is from New Jersey, U.S.A. It tells about a creature that is said to roam the countryside of the state. Legend says that a woman in post Independence War era had a thirteenth child. She didn't want another kid so she angry stated that "The devil can have it!". When the child was born, it was horrifying to look at. the child then ran up the chimney and escaped into the nearby forest. Where it grew up into a creature that is the stuff of nightmares.

No 4: Vampires.
Vampires were once living people who become demonic creatures after being bitten by another vampire. They have pale skin, arch nostrils, red eyes, and long and sharp teeth. They can be found all over the world and there are a number of ways of killing them or fighting them off. Some of the most famous vampires are Elisabeth Bathory and Count Dracula.

No 3: Mokele Mbembe.
Legend says that there are living dinosaurs living near the Congo river in Africa. Natives talk about a creature that resembles a Brontosaurus or a similar long necked dinosaur that swims in the river and would often attack anything that crosses it's path. Although they might have mistaken an elephant swimming for the creature (as elephants hold their trunks above the water as they swim).

No 2: The Kraken.
This legendry sea monster is a gigantic octopus that can pull ships under the water with his giant tentacles. It mainly swims in the North Atlantic oceans and the Nordic seas. This legends is possibly based around the colossal squid.

No 1: The Wendigo.
This is another creature from Native American folklore. It says that if anyone partakes in evil doings or cannibalism, then they'll transform (sometimes slowly and painfully) into a hideous looking being that resembles a abnormally long and thin shrived up corpse. They can also mimic other people's voices to lure their victims and in some versions of the legend, can cause harsh winter weather where ever they go.

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