Monday 22 October 2018

Film Review: 2012

See the source image

Release date: November 13th 2009.

Story: A divorced limo driver tries to protect his family from a geological disaster and get them to safety before it is too late.

My thoughts: This film was based on the 2012 phenomenon (which states that on the 21st of December 2012, a new era will begin. With some others thinking that this means the end of the world) that was written on a 5,126 year long Ancient Mesoamerican long count calendar. And we do get to see a lot of major disasters in the film. Including Los Angeles being struck by an mega-earthquake, the super volcano in Yellowstone national park erupting, Las Vegas collapsing into the ground, Hawaii being consumed with molten lava, the Vatican being destroyed, and then mega tsunamis consuming the world. But as you've already know, the world didn't end like in the movie. This was from the same film maker who brought us Independence Day, the 1998 Godzilla, and The day after tomorrow. If you like disaster movies then give this a watch.

My score: Two stars.

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