Thursday 25 October 2018

Film Review: Phantom of the Opera

Release date: August 12th 1943.

Story: The Paris opera house is a fun place of music, songs, and entertainment. But deep within the underground tunnels and catacombs that lay just underneath the building... lays a fallen angle. A disfigured person known only as the Phantom haunts the opera house. And has fallen for a talented singer.

My thoughts: This is the second adaptation of the Phantom of the Opera and the first to be made in colour. The characters do great performances and the opera songs are spectacular to watch. But sadly there is no real mystery in this film. You know who the Phantom is, how he got disfigured, and why he is menacing the opera house. In the other adaptations they still keep the mystery on who the Phantom is and the reasonings why he is doing what he does. But apart from that it is a great movie and it is part of the Universal Monsters set.

My score: Three stars.

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