Monday 9 July 2018

Gaming Review: Ark Survival Evolve

See the source image
Release date: August 2017.

Type of game: Action, Adventure, Survival game.

Story: You wake up on an island filled with dinosaurs, mythical creatures, and giant sized animals. You have to survive by building bases, making weapons, finding food and water, and taming the creatures. You also level up which will allow you to become stronger, faster, and will allow you to access grater things to build. Which would allow you to build laser turrets, castles, and even flying objects.

Any dislikes: There is only online multi player. And there is also no difficulty selection.

My thoughts: When I first saw lets plays on this game, I thought it looked really cool. A game where you tame dinosaurs and build civilisations with other players, it looked awesome. But then I played it and I was sadly disappointed. I kept dying (either from being eaten, starvation, or from the weather), it was extremely hard for me to tame a creature (and I didn't even know how to), I was constantly under attack, and many of the other players are not friendly. On the plus side it is amazing the amount of dinosaurs and creatures that you can find. It would be nice if you are allowed to choose what creatures that you want to find (either dinosaurs, the early mammals, or mythical monsters).

Things that I want to see in a future update or DLC: Easier ways to tame the dinosaurs, a difficulty setting, a creature setting, and a single player mode.

My score: Two stars.

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