Saturday 14 July 2018

Film Review: Mars Attacks

See the source image
Release date: December 13th 1996.

Story: Mars launches a full scale invasion on Earth. The humans try and make peace with them but it's no use. Will mankind be able to survive and defeat the Martians before it's too late? Watch the film and find out.

 My thoughts: This is not a great movie but I happen to like it. This is a black comedy which was based on the ultra violent trading cards from the 1960's. It may be silly and not as funny for most people but I think that there are somethings in this movie that people may like. The opening credits are magnificent with Danny Elfman's music to add the effect of how big of the situation is. There is an all star cast including Jack Nicholson, Jack Black, Peirce Brosnan, Danny DeVito, Michael J Fox, and Tom Jones. If you like silly parodies of B movies then I would recommend this.

My score: Three stars.

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