Thursday 19 July 2018

Anime Review: Fairy Tail. Phoenix Priestess

See the source image
Release date: August 18th 2012 (Japanese release). December 10 2013 (US DVD release).

Story: After a failed assignment, the Fairy Tail crew come across a woman named Éclair suffering from memory loss. Her bird friend says that they had just escaped from being killed and that she has half of a mystical stone called the Phoenix Stone. The enemy has the other half and they intend to get the other half so that they can combined the two of them and (along with sacrificing Éclair) summon the powerful Phoenix in order to gain unlimited powers. Will the Fairy Tail crew be able to protect Éclair and save the day? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: This is a good movie. There is plenty of action and funny scenes (like when Erza is fighting one of the villains and the fight ends up in a theatre. Making the audience believe that it was part of the play). One of the things that I didn't like about the movie is that it has an abrupted ending. When the villain is defeated, the end credits begin. But this doesn't spoil my enjoyment of the movie. If you are a fan of Fairy Tail or anime in total, then I would recommend giving this a watch.

My score: Four stars.

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