Tuesday 28 August 2018

Scary story 3.

The Crow-man.

The Crow-man is an ancient English folklore about a sinister and mysterious old man that wonders about towns and the countryside during the hours of darkness. It is said that he has long sliver hair, a long crooked nose, small yellow eyes, wrinkled unwashed skin, slightly pointed ears, long claw like fingers, and a mouthful of broken teeth. He also wears baggy clothing like that of a tramp, a long black coat, dark brown boots, and a black top hat. It is said that he also carries either an old fashioned oil lantern or a walking cane. If you happen to spot him, you’ll think that he had just stepped out from the late Victorian era.

Little is known about the Crow-man’s origins. Some say that he was once a magician that gained supernatural powers after summoning a demon. Others say that he is a lost soul that wonders about for all eternity. But whatever is the case, everybody agrees that he is not of this earth.

The Crow-man prefers to wonder about during the hours of darkness. From sunset to sunrise. Although he is not a vampire. His favourite places to hang out are alleyways, street corners, long countryside pathways through forests and/or fields, and any other places that are dark. But when morning comes, he quickly finds a dark place to sleep until the sun goes down. Like a hollow tree, a cave, a crypt, or someone’s cellar or attic. Some say that they can hear him whistling as he strolls about the empty streets of a village or town. The Crow-man prefers nights were the only light is from the moon. And also if it is stormy, windy, foggy, or cold.

Why is he named the Crow-man you may ask? Well it is because that he is constantly followed and aided by many crows. Sinister looking creatures that are jet black and have demonic red eyes. They are his minions and will do anything he asks of them. Either sending them to get food or to locate anyone who has the misfortune of crossing him. It is also a fact that he can transform into a giant crow if he wants to travel vast distances. And that his laughter is similar to that of a crow’s squawk. So if you see a large number of crows in your area, it is a sign that he is either been here or is nearby.

If you happen to encounter him one dark night, always remember to be polite if he comes over to you. Do not mock him, insult him, and above all us provoke him. He would transform you into a crow and forces you to join the ever growing flock that accompanies him.  Or worse he would place a curse on you and will constantly bring misfortune upon your head. If you are polite to him, he would pass you by and you would be able to continue your journey without fear.

The Crow-man is also known to grant miracles. Any horrible misfortune that might have fallen on you or your family, he would get rid of it. But there is a price you’ll have to pay. The Crow-man would often ask for something priceless or very valuable that you own. Either something shiny like a watch or a pen. But mainly your soul. If that is the case then you will be turned into a crow. But if you are luckily enough, he might grew sorry for you and will turn you back into a human. But this rarely ever happens.

So be warned of the Crow-man. Best not to go outside during the hours of darkness. Because you might never know… What is lurking in the shadows.

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