Thursday 23 August 2018

Scary story 2

The Encounter.

The masked man walked down the alleyway late that evening. The alleyway was lit up by just a few street lamps and the only sounds were the distant traffic and his footsteps on the concrete path. He was about to turn a corner when he heard something behind him. The masked man turned around and... there was nothing. The man was about to continue his walk when he noticed someone in front of him. It was a woman around his height. She had dark messy hair, wide eyes, and was wearing a long dirty raincoat. But what was odd about her was the fact that she was wearing a surgeon's mask. She was walking quickly towards him and it was clear that she wasn't going to let him past.

"What do you want with me?!" the man said "will you stand aside so I may pass?" "I will" the woman said "but first answer me this, do you find me beautiful?" The man looked her up and down and (in the hopes that she'll leave him alone) said "yes you do look beautiful". The woman's eyes opened more wider than normal and she tore off her mask. Revealing a hideously scared face with slit cheeks and horrible cracked lips. "Do you still find me beautiful?!" the woman said in a more derange voice. The masked man looked at her. "That depends," he said removing his mask "what do you think of me?!"

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