Tuesday 7 August 2018

TV Reviews: Robocop the series

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Release date: March 18th - November 26th 1994 (one season, twenty one episodes plus one pilot).

Story: The many trials of Robocop and the Delta City police department as they battle crime although out the city.

My thoughts: This is an ok series. Many Robocop fans properly won't like the fact that the series drops the ultra violence from the movies in favour for a more family friendly audience. But apart from that it is a good series. Some of the things that I don't like about the series are the commercials with the Commander Cash. Which are basically adverts that are selling ultra realistic toy military stuff (like a mini explosive putty that when exploded, resembles a real war wound and even one where they criticises anti-pollution PSAs). Some of the villains are good like the recurring Pudface Morgan (who had been disfigured by Robocop in a previous episode and has the catchphrase "Not the face!" when ever Robocop delivers the final blow). This show may not be for all Robocop fans but it is a decent show and you can enjoy it.

My score: Three stars.

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