Tuesday 19 June 2018

Film Review: My Bloody Valentine

See the source image
Release date: February 11th 1981 (US release). February 13th 1981 (Canadian release)

Story: The inhabitants of a small mining town are getting ready for Valentine's day. But are warned not to as many years ago a derange miner went on a killing spree due to the fact that several supervisors had attended the celebrations and were not around to prevent a major gas explosion which trapped several miners. But the people ignore the warnings and proceed with the celebrations. But they should have listened because the derange miner has returned from the dead and is resume the killings.

My thoughts: This movie is great. The effects are great and the design of the killer is unique. There is a remake of this that was released in 2009 but it isn't as good as the original. If you are a fan of slasher killer movies then give this a watch. But I would recommend the uncut special edition DVD and Blue Ray as they restored many scenes that were cut from the original release. I sadly got the heavily edited version.

My score: Four stars.   

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