Tuesday 19 June 2018

Film Review: Arachnophobia

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Release date: July 18th 1990.

Story: A deadly tarantula has smuggled itself inside a crate in South American and travels to a small town in the USA. Where it makes its home in a barn, seeks out a mate, and spawns hundreds of hybrid spiders that are let loose on the town. It is up to the town's new doctor, some scientists, and a bug exterminator to save the day. Will they be able to do it in time? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: The idea that a swam of spiders invading your home is frightening itself. But the fact that these spiders are a hybrid of a common house spider and a South American tarantula is even more scary. The main protagonist is a doctor who moves to the town to become its new doctor. Only to learn that the old doctor is refusing to retire. And when the deaths start happening, the townsfolk begin blaming the new doctor. Which is the only part of the film that I didn't like. Still it is a good movie and suitable for anyone who is a fan of horror/comedy movies.

My score: Three stars.

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