Wednesday 20 June 2018

Film Review: First Blood (Rambo)

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Release date: October 22nd 1982.

Story: Sylvester Stallone stars as John Rambo. A Vietnam war veteran who arrives on foot at the town of Hope in the state of Washington. He is then picked up the town's sheriff and (after ignoring the sheriff's warnings to leave town) he is wrongfully arrested for being a drifter. When Rambo arrives at the police station, he is treated badly by the other police officers. This then causes him to have flash backs when he was in the Vietnam War and when he was being beaten up and tortured as a POW. He then over powers the police officers and gets away into the nearby forest with the policemen in pursuit. This then leads into a one man war as the police officers begin a man hunt for Rambo. And that Rambo is a highly trained killing machine that knows how to survive and to fight.

My thoughts: This is a classic action film. It had mixed reviews when it was first released yet I find it entertaining. Rambo is a cool character and you can understand his actions in the film. The policemen where completely out of character (including one who was hitting Rambo with his truncheon and later on was shooting at Rambo from a helicopter). Richard Crenna also makes a great performance as Colonel Sam Trautman who had trained Rambo and was also helping in trying to reasoning with him. And also getting angry at the sheriff for starting this whole thing in the first place. If you are a fan of action films then I would recommend this.

My score: Four stars.

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