Monday 2 April 2018

Film Reviews: The Blob.

See the source image

Release date: September 12th 1958.

Story: A teenager (played by Steve McQueen) and his girlfriend witness a meteor crash landing in a field nearby. But a homeless person gets to it first and discovers that inside is a tiny red blob that soon attaches itself to his arm. The teenagers then take the man to the local doctors and discover that the blob has consumed the man's whole arm and is getting bigger. Soon the blob starts absorbing the local townsfolk and the teenagers try and warn the remaining townsfolk before it's too late. Will they be able to warn them in time? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: I love classic B-movies from the 50's and 60's. Everything from aliens invading, mad science gone wrong, monsters on the rampage, and tons of action. This movie has most of those things. The blob itself is amazing and the song that plays during the opening credits is very catchy. This was also the first big screen debut for Steve McQueen.

My score: Four stars.

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