Tuesday 17 April 2018

Anime Review: Dragonball Z

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Release date: April 26 1989 - January 31 1996 (Japanese release) September 13th 1996 - April 7th 2003 (English dub release). 9 seasons, 291 episodes. The series was re-mastered years later and renamed Dragonball Z Kai.

Story: After the events or Dragonball, Goku is happily married to Chi Chi and has a son named Gohan. But things turn when a new threat arrives on Earth in the form of Goku's brother Raditz. Who reveals Goku's origins. This then leads to a series of adventures which will take him to numerous places, fighting new enemies, meeting new friends, and gaining new powers.

My thoughts: This show is amazing. From the characters to the story archs. Many of the stories follow the same pattern. The characters learn of a new enemy that has appeared, Goku is absent for most of it, the others fight the enemy until it looks like they are close to being defeated, then Goku arrives at the last minuet and finishes off the enemy. The battles (despite been long and take up most of many episodes) are epic and suspenseful. And the opening songs "Fly Away", "We've gotta power!", and the english opening song "Rock the dragon!" are all amazing. So if you haven't seen this yet, then I would highly recommend it.

My score: Five stars.

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