Friday 29 January 2016

Sailor Moon meets the Puppet Master.

Chapter 1: The new boy.

It was a bright sunny day in Tokyo. The weather forecast predicted sunny weather throughout the month. A perfect day to start a new term at college. Well for some at least. Serena ran thru the busy Monday crowds as she hoped to get to her school before she was late. The nineteen year old girl with her blonde hair done in two ponytails had overslept last night and if it wasn’t for her mother waking her up, she would had slept till evening. You see this is the problem when you’ve been partying the night before school. Serena had missed the bus and had to run eleven blocks before she finally arrived at Maple Leaf College for the gifted. She panted as she entered thru the main front doors before being greeted in the usual manner. “Good morning Serena” the long black haired girl said as she saw Serena stagger inside. “Morning Rei” Serena said “I’m not late am I? I overslept and missed the bus…..” “Relax Serena” Rei said “Classes have been delayed because most of the teachers are stuck in traffic” “SO I RAN ELEVEN BLOCKS FOR NOTHING!?!?” Serena said “Hey keep it down will you?” another voice said. Serena turned to see three other girls wondering over to her and Rei. The girl who spoke was the tallest out of the three and had long brown hair done in a ponytail. “Honestly people in the southernmost tip of Chile will be wondering who shouted” “and hello to you too Lita” Serena said. “So did you have a good summer?” the girl with blue hair asked “It was ok for me Ami” the second blonde haired one said “me and my family went to the countryside and stayed at a hot spring resort” “That’s good Mina” Rei said “I went to London for my summer. And despite what everyone said I found the food ok” “Well I spent mine at summer school” Ami said “Why?!” Lita said “Isn’t the fact that a summer vacation is for enjoyment and not having to do school work?!” “Well I find school work enjoyable” Ami said “unlike you who finds school work as fun as beating a wall with your ex-boyfriend’s severed head” “Hey!” Lita said (Even thou it was true she felt that she needed to stand up for herself) “I spent most of my summer at my Dojo ranking up my fighting skills!” “Ok, ok calm down!” Serena said “If it’s ok with you my summer wasn’t that much fun. I was supposed to spend it with Darien because he’s got three months break from San Francisco and he’s in the airier. But my mum and dad have other ideas. Seriously after finding that engagement ring that Darien gave to me before leaving, they have been trying to keep us apart” “But you do realise that you are too young to get married” Ami said “and besides you have to get college out of the way first. Education is a wonderful thing isn’t it?” “You know you are a walking PSA Ami!” Rei said “But you are right. Darien won’t go back to San Francisco for ages so you’ve got plenty of time. And in the meantime, when school is over you lot can come over to my place so I can show you some pictures of my vacation in England” “Oh that reminds me” Ami said “Speaking of England, we have a transfer student from England starting here. I was asked to show him around when he arrives. They also giving me the day off in order to show him around and to help him settle in” “A transfer student?!” Mina said “I wonder who he is?” “Well don’t get your hopes up” Rei said “not everybody there is related to their royal family” “That’s a shame” Lita said “There is nothing that I would like then to have a prince to rule alongside with” she sighed glancing into deep space as if she was imagining it. “Don’t you have Prince Midnight?” Serena said “You know that hunky yet mysterious prince from the Nightmare Kingdom?” “Oh yeah!” Lita said “I forgot”. Everyone then laughed and then went on to their classes.

It is a well-known fact that Tokyo Central airport was very busy all year round. Planes from all corners of the world come and go around the clock. One plane in particular landed just a few minutes ago and was now just unloading its luggage. One luggage in question was a large black trunk with brace locks. It looked out of place among the more modern bags that surround it as it trundled along the conveyer belt where most airport luggage goes along. All the other people ignored it as they collected their things and went on their way. All accept one who (along with two others) collected it and wheeled it off towards the front entrance. The person in question was a nineteen year old boy (whose name is Gary Matrix) with light blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He made his way thru the bumbling crowds with his luggage and managed to hail a taxi. The driver was her usual self because she was used to dive foreigners around the city. Luckily this one can speak basic Japanese. Not good Japanese but understandable. “So where are you heading?” she said as Gary put his luggage (including one large black trunk) on the back seat. “I’m heading to Maple Leaf college” he said “I’m enrolling there tomorrow” “Oh good for you” the taxi driver said “My younger sister goes there too. The place is ok but most of the time it’s downright boring” She laughed at this and started the engine. As she did so the trunk made a thump noise. Like something was moving around inside. “What was that?” she asked as she drove away. “Something might have slipped inside” Gary said “the straps keep getting loose” “How long have you had that trunk for?” the taxi driver asked. “For some time now” Gary said “It belonged to my late grandfather. He left it to me in his will. Along with some other things” “I’m sorry to hear that” the driver said “that your grandfather past away” They continued in silence. Only broken when the taxi driver yelling in anger at idiots who thought they could drive. All the time the trunk made noises now and then. Even thou Gary tried to silence it. Finally after a long drive, they made it to the college. “Here we are” the driver said “Now according to my sister, the dorms are just along that pathway. Boys to the right path, girls to the left”. "Thank you" Gary said "but I had in fact got an apartment just near the boy's dorms. But I can take everything from here". And after he thank the driver for taking him here and (after getting his luggage and paying her) he went off towards the apartment block.

He waited until he was out of sight (and after the taxi went away) then he knelt down and opened the trunk a crack. “What the hell do you think you are doing!?” he said with a slight anger in his voice. “Why did you kept banging around like that for? Do you want to be found out? Look I know that it was a long trip and you want to get out but now isn’t the right time”. To anyone who might saw this, might think that he was slightly mad. But Gary has his own reasons. “Look please wait a bit longer until I say so” He then closed the trunk and went on his way. Even though he was nineteen, the trunk was heavy and he had to keep stopping to catch his breath. “Excuse me are you ok?” said a voice. Gary turned to see a tall boy of the same age with short black hair standing under a nearby tree. “Sorry I just noticed you carrying that trunk and I just wanted to know if you needed help” he said coming over. “Thank you that would help me a lot” Gary said as this other person picked up one end of the trunk. He helped Gary carry his luggage inside the dorms and (After Gary got his room key) they carried them up to the room. Which was on the seventh floor. “Well I certainly lost a few pounds” Gary said “Yes so have I” the other boy said “Well I hope you settle in. Oh I’m Darien by the way” “Pleased to meet you” Gary said shaking hands with him “I’m Gary Matrix. Thank you for helping me" "It was no problem" Darien said and then went on his way. Gary managed to unlock his front door and he went inside. It was a normal looking apartment. It had one living room, a combined dining room and kitchen, a bathroom, and two bedrooms each with a study. Gary wanted to take a shower, a change of clothes, and a quick nap before he made some lunch (he had been traveling for six hours none stop) but there is just one thing to do before all of that. He knelt down and open his trunk. “Ok you lot can come out now” he said. And they did.

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