Sunday 31 January 2016

Sailor Moon meets the Puppet Master 3

Chapter 3: When Ami met Gary.

It was seven in the morning. Everyone at the dorms were getting up and getting ready for a new day at college. Well at least for some. “WHERE THE HELL IS IT?” Ami said as she ransacked her room, flinging things all over the place “OH GOD I HOPE IT WASN’T STOLEN!” Ami rechecked thru her bag for the twenty fifth time but to no avail. Just then her doorbell rang. “WHO IS IT?!” she called. “It’s us Ami!” said a familiar voice “Can we come in?” Ami went over to her door and opened it. Outside were Serena, Rei, Lita, and Mina. “We’ve just heard about last night!” Lita said “Are you alright?” “Yes I’m fine” Ami said “it’s nothing to overreact to” “NOTHING?!” Serena said “you were nearly mugged! That was so horrible to have that happen to you” “It’s ok really” Ami said “it’s not important right now!” “Ami what in god’s name is more important than nearly getting mugged by a street gang?!” Rei said. Ami pulled them inside her room and closed the door behind them. When she felt like it was safe to talk she then said “I’ve lost my sailor wand!” “WHAT?!” the others said “What do you mean you’ve lost it?” “It happened during the fight” Ami said “you see the gang was going to attack me but then a passer-by came to defend me. It must have fallen out of my bag or something” “Well we have to look for it” Rei said “if someone found it and figured out what it is and how it works…. We all be in mortal danger!” “Well then what are you’ll standing around here for?” said a voice. Everyone looked around them to see who had spoken. Then their eyes looked to a table over by an open window. And at the animal that was sitting on it. “Luna!” Serena said recognising her friend. It was indeed Luna. The black cat that had guided them thru their adventures. “What brings you here?” Serena said “Sadly not for pleasure” Luna said “but first some good news” she turned to the window and called “ARTEMIS!” to someone outside. “Hurry up and get in here” she then added. There was a scrabbling noise and a white cat entered through the window behind her. “Hey!” he said both angry and out of breathe “It is extremely difficult to climb five stories up you know!” “Artemis!” Mina said going over to him and cuddling him. “It’s been so long since we’ve last met” she said “last time was when we fought Sailor Galaxia” “Yeah it was” Artemis said snuggling Mina “well that’s not important right now” Luna said a little annoyed. “What’s going on?” Serena said. “Well” Luna said as Mina put Artemis back on the table “First of all, me and Artemis are expecting kittens!” The girl’s expressions are mixed. “You mean……. You are going to be parents!” Lita said “that’s wonderful!” “I’m lost for worlds” Serena said “but I’m so happy for you guys” “Thank you” Luna said “But we have little time to celebrate. Your world is in danger again” “In what way?” Serena said. Luna told everyone to sit down before she began to tell her story. “You see in me and Artemis’s time, we have heard news that a sinister monster from the negaveres is going to arrive in your time stream. We have no idea who or what it is but all we know is that it is very dangerous!” “Oh my god!” Ami said “and combined with my wand going missing, this is indeed terrible!” “We have to find that wand!” Luna said “before someone else does!”
An hour later all seven of them were by the tree Ami was at last night. They had combed every single patch of ground from a mile round but still no such luck. “This is a nightmare!” Ami kept saying “College starts in five minutes and we still haven’t found it” She was beginning to panic again. “Calm down” Rei said “we’ll just have to continue after our lessons” “That’s not all” Ami said “I’m supposed to show the new boy around today. I don’t think I could relax till this evening” Then they heard the college’s bell tolling. Signalling that school has started. All five went their separate ways and Luna and Artemis went off too.

Ami went off to find the Principal’s office. She was both worried and ashamed for losing her sailor wand. Without it she will never turn into Sailor Mercury. Perhaps Luna can make her a new one or something. At last she found the office. She was about to knock on the door when it opened. “Oh there you are Miss Mizuno” The principal said “I’m glad to see you. Would you come in please?” She let Ami in and closed the door behind them. “Ami Mizuno I would like to introduce you to our new foreign student Gary Matrix” Ami was about to respond but she didn’t. Because she was looking at the blonde haired and dark blue eyed boy whom she had met just yesterday. “So you are Ami Mizuno” Gary said offering his hand. Ami still couldn’t speak. Was this the same guy who save her just yesterday? But when she noticed that his left hand was still bandaged up, lightbulbs went off in her head. “I’m sorry have you two already met?” the principal asked “Yes we did yesterday” Gary said when Ami did not answer “In fact we had a nasty run in with a street gang” “Oh so you’re the one who saved her!” the principal said “we could use more people like you around here. Well I leave you two to get acquainted” She then left them alone. It was a long time before anyone spoke.

“Well isn’t this a surprise” Gary said “you look different in the daytime. Are you still shaken up from yesterday or are you…….” Gary didn’t finished his sentence because Ami threw her arms around him. “Are you ok?” he asked “yes I’m fine” Ami said “I just never got a chance to say thank you” “Is this how you say thank you over here?” Gary asked a little embarrassed “No not always” Ami said letting go of him. “How is your hand by the way?” she said unwrapping the handkerchief. The cut was almost healed and it was no longer bleeding. “It looks a lot better” Ami said “yes thank you for the first aid” Gary said “just out of curiosity where did you learned that from?” “My mother tort me” Ami said “she’s a doctor. I am hoping to follow her footsteps and become a doctor myself” “Well I hope you achieve it” Gary said. There was something about him that was drawing Ami towards him. Maybe it was his English charm or something. But she shook herself out of it and said “Well I suppose we should begin the tour” “that would be wonderful” Gary said “Oh before we get started….” he undid his jacket and felt in his inside pocket. Ami look on wondering what it was. Whatever she had in mind blew up as he took out….. Her sailor wand! “You’ve dropped this when you hurried off last night” he said handing it over to her “I didn’t know if it was important to you so I took it back to my place. I hope you didn’t mind” “No I don’t” Ami said happily as she took it from him “I have been looking for this for ages! I almost lost my mind trying to find it” “Well I’m glad that you didn’t” Gary said “Shall we start our tour?” A new flush of warmth flooded inside Ami as if a hundred years of misery have fallen away. “Lets!” she said and she led Gary out of the principal’s office. It didn’t came to their attention that they weren’t alone in the office. In fact they had been watched by three pairs of eyes. Three pairs of little eyes that continued to follow them while they went on their tour.

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