Saturday 30 January 2016

Sailor Moon meets the Pupper Master 2

Chapter 2: Strangers in the night.
It was late in the evening. The larks are now retiring for the night and the owls are coming out. And so can be said for the birds as well. Around the campus the students are happy with the thought that college was over for the day. All accept one. “Look Ami it’s half past five! Don’t you want to go to Rei’s apartment and look at her vacation photos?” Lita asked as she, Ami, Rei, Serena, and Mina were gathered around the fountain on the collage’s grounds. “I like to but I’ve got to study for that science test” Ami said “that test isn’t for another six weeks you’ve got plenty of time” Rei said “I know but you know me” Ami said “Look I’ll take a rain check on the photos Rei but I’ll see them some other time” and with that she went on her way. Ami secretly didn’t want to study but she didn’t want to be seen as slacking. Anyway she went off towards the girl dorms in a bit of a hurry. She didn’t like being outside during darkness.

“What’s the hurry girl?” a voice said. Ami turned and saw a gang of hoodies walking towards her. “What do you want?” she asked “oh nothing much” one of them said “The night is young and we’re alone!” Ami started to back away. This is one of the reasons why she didn’t want to be out when it gets dark. “Why don’t you hand over your money or else” the leader of the hoodies said pulling out a flick knife. The rest of his gang took out their flick knives and began to advance on Ami. They pinned her up against a tree and made it clear that she wasn’t going anywhere. “But I don’t have any money” Ami said “well that’s just bad” the gang said. They lunged at her. But before they could do anything, a fist swung and hit the gang leader in the face. The leader went flying back and his gang back off slightly. Ami had no idea what happened. Did Lita came along and was helping her? But then she notice that it was not Lita. But a nineteen year old boy who was now in-between her and the gang. “LEAVE HER ALONE!” he shouted at them as their leader got up from the patch of grass that he landed on. “That hurt!” he said “YOU ARE SO DEAD!” He and his gang lunged at this new person.

But surprisingly, the boy managed to fight off the gang. Slamming his elbow into the face of one wile kneeing another in the groin. After a while the gang was defeated and they ran off. Ami had been up against the tree for the whole fight. Not wanting to run in case she was attacked. She was still trembling as the boy who had rescued her approached her. “Are you ok?” he asked “did they hurt you?” Ami looked at him. He had dark blue eyes and blonde hair. She had no idea who he was but she was thankful that he came to her aid. “No I’m ok” she said “I’m just a bit shaken” She then saw that he was cut on his hand. “Oh my god you’re hurt!” she said “what?” the boy said “oh that. It’s just a scratch. It’s nothing!” “Nothing?!” Ami said “You’re bleeding! Here let me help” She took a handkerchief from her pocket and wrapped it around his hand. “That would stop the blood but I insist that you should see a doctor” Ami said “Thank you” the boy said. He looked at her and said “Tell me what’s a nice girl like you doing outside this late?” Was he flirting with her? Ami felt embarrassed. But then noticed her watch. “I was just on my way to the dorm” she said “and to be honest I must be on my way” She grabbed her bag and ran off. 

As she went, the boy noticed something fell out of her bag. “Hey wait!” he shouted “you’ve dropped something!” But she disappeared around the corner and she was gone. The boy wondered why she ran off like that. Perhaps she didn’t like being flirted at (Ami was like when she when being hit upon. In fact she even gets allergic reactions to love letters) or perhaps there might be other street gangs lurking around in the dark. The boy sighed and then noticed the thing that had fallen out of her bag. He wondered over to it and picked it up. It looked like a cheap plastic wand from a toy shop. It was made out of a strange metal and it was light blue with the roman symbol of Mercury on it. There was also a crystal on top made into some sort of pattern that he couldn’t figure out. The boy had no idea what it was or why that girl had it with her. Perhaps it was something to do with an anime or something like that. He remembered seeing a lot of these on display at a costume shop back at the airport. They were dead cheap and could easily break if used too roughly. So why the hell did this girl had one of these in her bag? It must be very important to her if she had with her. Perhaps she was looking after it for a friend or perhaps she just brought it for herself? The boy put it in his coat pocket and went back to his apartment. Maybe he’ll run into her again tomorrow and then hand it back to her. But now it was time for him to get ready for bed.

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