Saturday 25 April 2020

A My Little Pony scary story.

Such things happen.

Applejack and her family were suffering from a bad case of bad luck. It seemed like every day, something bad happens. The first bad thing that happened to them was a bad harvest. Then their collie dog, a perfectly healthy animal, developed a bad illness. Then after that, their apple cart broke in half. Just like that. “I have no idea what is happening to us” Applejack said as Twilight Sparkle paid a visit one day, “It’s like somepony put a curse on us!”. “Calm down Applejack” Twilight said “there must be an explanation to all of this. Now, tell me when it started?”. “Well I guess it started after we had that bad encounter with Midnight Sun” Applejack said.

A week earlier, Applejack and Big Mac were delivering some apples to the local shop. They had just finished emptying the cart and when they were just reversing it out onto the street again, when a large cat suddenly jumped out from behind a stack of newspapers and ran out in front of Big Mac. This caused him to jump and to lose control of the cart. It sped out of control down the street and ended up in the ornamental garden of an elderly unicorn named Midnight Sun. And by the time Big Mac and Applejack had managed to get the cart back out, the garden was completely ruined. “We’re really sorry mam,” Applejack said, “we’ll pay for the damages”. Midnight Sun did not reply. But her eyes gave away her feelings. They were angry and full of rage. “I had spent years perfecting my garden!” she snapped back at Applejack “now it is all ruined! You will be sorry for this!”

“We thought that she was going to take us to court over it” Applejack said “But luckily we payed for the damages and that was that. But then this string of bad luck began to happen and… I have a feeling that Midnight Sun is behind it” “Don’t be silly Applejack” Twilight said “there is no way a unicorn would be able to put a powerful curse on you. You are just jumping to conclusions”.

After Twilight had left, Applejack was sitting in her kitchen. She was still thinking about what Twilight had said. “Maybe I am jumping to conclusions” she thought “but perhaps Midnight Sun is behind all of the bad luck we’ve been having? But how do I even know if it’s true or not?” Then she suddenly remembered something that Granny Smith had said about finding out if a unicorn is giving you problems. “You go and find yourself a black walnut tree,” she had said “and you draw a picture of the unicorn you think is causing you grief. It does not have to be a perfect drawing, but the image of the unicorn has to be in your head while you draw it. Then you mark where their heart is with a cross. Then you take an iron nail and hammer it into the cross just an inch. Then each day, you hammer it in another inch. And if that unicorn is causing you grief, they will begin to feel pain where their heart is. And each day, it will get worse and worse and they will have to stop. Or the pain will kill them. But if they find out that it is you that is causing them pain, they will either come by or send someone else to ask or a particular item. And if you give them what they want, that breaks the spell of the nail and they will carry on tormenting you!”.

That was what her nice and kindly old grandmother had said. But Applejack knew better. “That’s just an old wives tale” she thought “it can’t be true”. Then the next day, Big Mac fell down the stairs and broke one of his front legs. This was the final straw for Applejack. It is one thing causing someone a lot of bad luck, but it is another thing to harm one of her family members. Throwing all logic out of the window, Applejack set out to end this once and for all. She borrowed a crayon from her sisters room and then got a hammer and an iron nail from the shed. She then made her way into the nearby forest and found herself a black walnut tree. She drew a picture of Midnight Sun on the tree and marked an X where her heart is. Then Applejack took the nail and hammered it in just an inch. It was only when she was walking back home when she begun to calm down. “Maybe I was just overreacting?” she thought “it properly wouldn’t work anyways”.

The next day however, a pegasus arrived at the farm while Applejack and her family were having breakfast. “I’m sorry to bother you” he said, “but Midnight Sun asked me to come here on her behalf and asks if she can borrow a cup of sugar?” Applejack froze at this. Was it a coincidence? It cannot be? But then she said, “tell her that we’re sorry but we don’t have any sugar at the moment”. Then after the pegasus had had left, Applejack went back into the forest and drove the nail in another inch. The next day the same pegasus was back. “Midnight Sun is beginning to get sick” he said, “she was wondering if you have any sugar?” “I’m sorry but I still don’t have any” Applejack said. And then she went back into the forest and drove the nail in another inch. And the next day the same pegasus returned. “Midnight Sun is getting sicker” he said, “she is wondering if you’ve got any sugar?” “Tell her that I still don’t have any!” Applejack said, “and I won’t be getting any for a long time!”. Just as the pegasus left, Big Mac turned to Applejack. “You have to stop this!” he said, “if this is really happening it will be murder!” “I’LL STOP WHEN SHE STOPS!” Applejack snapped back. And with that, she went back into the forest and drove the nail in another inch.

Later that day, Applejack was sitting in her garden. Her conscious was playing up and she was beginning to feel guilty. She wanted to go and pull the nail out. But she did not want the bad luck to remain. She was still thinking about this when she heard her front gate open and slammed shut. She looked up expecting it to be one of her relatives or friends. But instead saw Midnight Sun making her way towards her. She was struggling to stay up straight and she was clearly having breathing problems. “Maybe I am killing her?!” Applejack thought. She got up and was about to head off towards the forest, but Midnight Sun was already standing in front of her. Her eyes were ablaze with hate and rage. “First you destroyed my garden!” she said, “then you refused to give me a bit of sugar!” She swore at Applejack… and fell dead at her feet.

“I’m surprise that she died like that” Twilight said when she visited days later, “she had a bad heart. It was going to give out one day” “Well… somepony I know fought that she was the cause of the bad luck that we’ve been having” Applejack said, “and that they drew a picture of her on a tree and drove a nail into it to try and stop her”. “Oh that’s a silly superstition” Twilight said “we don’t believe in that sort of thing do we?!”.

Sunday 22 March 2020

A quick message.

Just to let you know that I have a YouTube channel now. Where I do some reviews of movies, TV shows, and fan fiction. The channel is called Gary Matrix Reviews. I will still do reviews on my blog but not as often as usual.

Ok. That's about it and I'll see you next time.

Monday 16 December 2019

20 short scary stories.

1: We don’t mind our dog sleeping in our room at night. It’s the thing that lives in our closet that is bothered by it.

2: I don’t mind the tapping on my window. Until I found out that it was coming from inside my house.

3: I used to whistle when I fetch water from the well. Until something started whistling back.

4: I had a terrible nightmare where I was attacked by a derange person at four thirty p.m. I was glad that I finally woke up from it. However, as my clock hit 4:30, I hear hurried footsteps coming up the stairs.

5: What do you do when you are looking at a photograph and it starts smiling at you?

6: There was a message on my bathroom mirror. But I live alone.

7: Blackberries used to be my favourite fruit. Until I saw one get up and crawl away.

8: It’s great to have a phone. But it is annoying to be constantly getting phone calls from complete strangers. Especially when they are from the grave.

9: I have a new camera. But it keeps taking strange photos. In all of them, there is a strange blurred out figure in the background. I wouldn’t mind but every time I take a picture, the closer the figure gets.

10: I keep getting messages from my wife. Who had died a year ago.

11: I won a new camera and decided to test it out with my friends. But the photos turned out to be disturbing. They show how and where my friends would die. But what was more disturbing is that the photo that of me that I took by accident… shows nothing.

12: I used to collect portraits of people. Until one of them blinked.

13: It’s horrible when someone won’t stop talking about worms when you are eating spaghetti. It’s another thing when you find out that they were telling the truth.

14: I hate that constant knocking noise. But I don’t want to lift up the floorboards.

15: I went to complain about my new wardrobe. I had opened it and found that it was invested with spiders. The shop manager said that it was strange. The last owners complained that there were zombies in it.

16: There is nothing like the sound of laughing. Unless it is 2 pm and you are alone.

17: I was shocked when the announcer came over the train’s speaker. “Next stop is Purgatory”.

18: I have the ability to stop time. But I can’t restart it.

19: It is one thing finding a skeleton in your living room. It’s another thing when it starts talking to you.

20: I don’t want to blink. Cause every time I do, that statue moves closer.

Tuesday 3 December 2019

TV Review: Monster in my pocket.

Release date: 1992.

Story: Deep within a mountain in Transylvania, Doctor Henry Davenport (a.k.a the Invisible Man) and his friends (Frankenstein's monster, Mummy, and Wolfman) have managed to capture all of the evil monsters and have placed them behind bars. But one of the evil monsters (Vampire) tries to escape with the help of a shrinking spell. But the spell backfires and shrinks all of the monsters and the mountain instead. And then the mountain teleports to Los Angles. Which causes all of the bad monsters to escape. Now the Invisible Man and his friends have to go and recapture them. Especially Vampire, Medusa, and Swamp Beast. But it isn't easy when they are one inch high. So the good monsters decide to visit a famous horror writer in order to get some help. But the writer is away. Apart from his daughter Carrie. Who decides to help the good monsters in their fight against the evil ones. While also trying to find a way of regaining their normal height.

My thoughts: This one off special, named the Big Scream, was the pilot for a cartoon series based on the toy line of the same name. And it is indeed a good special. It is such a shame that this didn't get a series. yet there are rumours of five or six more episodes that were created. But they are either extremely difficult to find or non-existent. I like the character designs as well. Frankenstein's monster is renamed Big Edd and looks like Franken-berry from the American cereal brand (and also has this thing were every time he gets angry, sparks fly from his head), Wolfman has a Jamaican accent, Swamp Beast is just a large blob type of creature that can separate into other versions of himself, and the Invisible Man is without his bandages (properly so that he won't be mistaken for Mummy). If this had a series, I would have liked to see them encountering other good or bad monsters (including Warlock. Who is a fan favourite). Also it is a cool concept that while trying to find a way of regaining their height, the good monsters discover that they can active that by laughter and the bad monsters can grow back through screams. This special is available on Youtube and I would recommend that you check it out.

My score: Five stars.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Film Reviews: Haxan (a.k.a Witchcraft through the ages).

Release date: September 18th 1922.

Story: This Swedish documentary style horror movie is about the study of witchcraft, devil worship, and how the misunderstanding of mental illness and diseases could have led to the hysteria of witch hunts in medieval Europe.

My thoughts: Dark, creepy, atmospheric, and bizarre. This seven part movie really catches the horror element with images depicting witches, demons, and the devil himself (played by the director himself). This film was banned in the USA and was heavily censored in other countries. In 1968, the movie was re-released in the USA in a re-edited form. Now called Witchcraft through the ages and has an narration by William S Burroughs.

Even though this is a silent era classic, this film is really not for everyone. Some people might get offended and/or horrified at the scenes of devils, witches, creepy scenery, and torture. So I would warn you before watching it.

My score: Four stars.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Film Reviews: The Fog

Release date: February 8th 1980.

Story: The costal town of Antonio bay, California is getting ready to celebrate it's 100th anniversary. But things are not so smoothly as the inhabitants wanted. For on the night of the celebrations, a strange thick fog comes in from the sea and soon ingulfs the town. But it's not the fog that is a threat... it is what's in the fog that is the main threat.

My thoughts: This is one of John Carpenter's most recognisable films. And it is great. The pirate ghosts are cool and some of the effects are impressive. If you haven't seen it yet, I would recommend it.

My score: Three stars.

Thursday 10 October 2019

Youtube Reviews: The Stories of Sodor.

Series creator: Victor Tanzig.

Starting date: 20th February 2017.

Story: The train, for its type, is the most powerful vehicle on land. And the engines of Sodor are the power behind the docks, industries, and pipelines that make up the world renowned North Western Railway. Join Thomas, Edward, Percy, and all of the other Sodor engines in their daily tasks to keep their business going. For these, are the Stories of Sodor.

My thoughts: The great series is based on the popular Thomas the tank engine series. the show itself has three series, many shorts, and a fourth series is currently being made. What I like about this show is that it doesn't follow the books or the tv series at all. It kinda does it's own thing. And it isn't set in one time period. It starts after the first world war and is likely to finish in the present day. And includes many historic events as well. Including the rise in communism, the nationalization of Britains railways, world war two (which was it's own side season called The Stories of War), and even goes into detail on how the railways worked and operated at the time. I was surprised that Edward is the narrator of the show. But then I realised that it might be mainly based on the Railway book series and not the Thomas and friends show (where Thomas is the main character). The show even has characters from a similar show called Tugs.

Any dislikes?: Only a few. One of them being the swearing. I mean I wasn't expecting swear words in something based on Thomas and Friends. But in the third series and the Stories of War side season, there are times that the characters use the F and W words. Also some viewers may not like some strong issues that some episodes are centred on. Such as prejudice, war, bullying, unfairness, and other subjects like them.

Overall: It is a great show and I would recommend it.

My score: Four stars.