The very first appearance of the Daleks in the new Doctor Who series.
No 9. The Daleks (1963).

The very first appearance of the Daleks ever.
No 8. Doomsday (2006).
The first time the Daleks met the Cybermen.
No 7. Remembrance of the Daleks (1988).
Where the Daleks are having a civil war and they have developed racism.
No 6. Planet of the Daleks (1973).

Where the Daleks try to learn the art of invisibility. Also the Supreme Dalek looks a lot like the Daleks from the new series.
No 5. The Chase (1965).

Where the Daleks chase after the Doctor thru space and time. Then encounter the Mechanoids.
No 4. The Daleks invasion of Earth (1964).

The first time the Daleks had invaded Earth.
No 3. The Genesis of the Daleks (1975).
The story where the Daleks are created and the first story to introduce Davros.
No 2. The Stolen Earth/Journey's end (2008).

The final two episodes of series 4 of the new series which reintroduces Davros.
No 1. Death to the Daleks (1974).

The first Dalek story I have ever seen and also the first Doctor who story I have ever seen (also the first one with Jon Pertwee's doctor and with Sarah Jane as the companion).