Saturday 15 September 2018

Fanfiction Review: Adventures in Equestria.

Creator: Hewy Toonmore.

Number of episodes: Two at the moment.

Type of fan fiction: My little pony, Fantasy, Comedy.

Story: In a kingdom far, far away lives a young wizard in training named Mezmo. He wish is to become the court magician for the royal family but he has difficulty with casting some spells. One day, Mezmo is summoned to the royal palace where the king and queen said that in order to proceed further with his magic studies, he must travel to a far off country called Equestria. Where he must seek out a unicorn named Twilight Sparkle who will be able to teach him what he needs to know. So Mezmo (along with his two friends Nikola and Lian) sets out to find Equestria and Twilight Sparkle in order to proceed further with his magic training.

My thoughts: This is a good fan fiction. The characters and the kingdom where Mezmo and his friends live in is quite imaginative and the voice acting is good. I would recommend it to MLP fans.

Any downsides: None so far.

Overall: This is a good series and I am looking forward to future instalments.

My score: Four stars.

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