Monday 8 January 2018

Fanfic Review: Bride of Discord.

Image result for bride of discord

Created by: DisneyFanatic2364

Number of episodes: Ten

Story: This My Little Pony fan fiction takes place in an alternate universe to the popular tv show. In which instead of defeating Discord in season two (and thus returning him into a statue), the main six realise that he had fled seconds before they hit him with their friendship beam. They had no idea where he ran off too but Princess Celestia (the current monarch of Equestria) says not to worry for he won't be returning soon. Years later (after Twilight Sparkle had become Princess Twilight Sparkle of Friendship) Twilight invites her friends to help her organise the Grand Galloping Gala. Flutter-shy it turns out is suffering from a series of bad nightmares about Discord and so (in order to take her mind of it) the others ask her to perform a song for the Gala. But what they did not know is that Discord had secretly returned to Canterlot (the capital of Equestria) and gate crashes the party during Flutter-shy's performance. And (after he does his usual stick of causing chaos) he announces that he has kidnapped Princess Celestia, her sister Luna, and Cadence and would only release them if the ponies accept three demands from him. One of them is for one pony to become his bride of her own free will. And after some thought... Flutter-shy accepts Discords offer. Will she be able to make Discord see the error of his ways? Will Twilight and the others be able to rescue their friend? Watch Bride of Discord to find out.

My thoughts: This is a really good story. I am not a major fan of MLP but I would recommend this for fans and non fans alike. It borrows elements from Beauty and the Beast and Bride of the Lindorm King and mixes it well with this story. Also BigApplePie does an magnificent job at voicing Discord. The songs are pretty good as well. So I again would recommend this for every MLP fan and for non fans alike.

Final score: Ten out of ten stars.

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