Creator: DisneyFanatic2364.
Episodes: 8.
Story: Years after the events of Bride of Discord, Flutter-shy and Discord are now the happy married and have a young filly named Screwball. Who has inherited her father's powers. But because of her powers, she is bullied and shunned by some of the other ponies in Ponyville (apart from her friends). One day she is playing in the Everfree forest when she comes across a changeling named Mothball. Who as it turns out to be the son of Queen Chrysalis. And it also turns out that Chrysalis and Discord had a bad history together and (also due to the fact that Changelings turn into either a friend or loved one of someone and then drain them of their positive emotions) Discord forbids Screwball to see him again. But Screwball goes behind her father's back and develops a strong friendship with Mothball. Will Discord find out about this? Is this just a scheme by Chrysalis to try and make Discord become what he once was and take over Equestria? Watch Daughter of Discord and find out.
My thoughts: This is a pretty good sequel. To be honest I had seen this first before Bride of Discord but my thoughts are the same. There is a lot more comedy in this than Bride of Discord and there are fewer songs. But what really makes this story good is the next generation of ponies. Rainbow-Dash's twins and younger daughter, Pinkie-pie's triplets, Rarity's daughter, Applejack's adopted son and daughter, Big Mac and Miss Cheerily's daughter, Even Derpy Hooves has a daughter as well (named Dinky). Although Twilight is the only one who isn't a parent (this is explained in the final episode). Like Bride of Discord took elements from Beauty and the Beast, Daughter of Discord had also taken elements from a Disney movie. But this time from The Lion King 2. Like I said before this has fewer songs, but the one that stands out from the rest is the one that Rarity's sister (I forget her name) sings at the Gala. It is that good. I am looking forward to future series by DisneyFanatic2364 (Maybe one where Discord comes across his brother and more of his kind). If you are a brony then I would recommend giving this a watch.
My score: Ten out of ten.