Sunday 24 April 2016

A youtube review. Red Trek.

I have recently discovered this animation some years ago. It is a six act animation cross over of Star Trek. The next generation and Red Dwarf. I have seen is a lot of times and had always liked it. So I have decided to do a review with this ten year old story. This review contains spoilers.

The Story:
The story is basic. After traveling thru a worm hole, The crew of the Jupiter Mining ship Red Dwarf encounter the Star ship Enterprise. There is a lot of chit chat between the characters (which I like to see in a lot of cross overs) and the Red Dwarf crew are invited on board the Enterprise. After Rimmer nearly causes an accident with Star Bug (their ship to planet's surface shuttle craft), both worlds met in the Enterprise's control room. Rimmer then gets invited to have a look around the engineering while Lister, Kryten, and Cat are shown around the rest of the ship by Captain Jean Luc Picard.

After showing them around the hollow deck, everyone discovers that a unidentified life form had sneaked on board as well. They decide to hunt for it in tradition with the Alien films. The alien life form turned out to be the shape shifting creature from the Red Dwarf universe named the Polymorph and it had already attack many of the Enterprise's crew. After a comedic chase, they manage to corner and kill it in the hollow deck.

While all of this is going on, Data (The Enterprise's android) finds a way of restoring Holly's (Red Dwarf's computer) I.Q from six to six thousand. Afterwards everyone learns that (with the aid of the hollow deck) that Holly can bring people back to life. Namely Lister's love interest Kristine Kochanski, Rimmer's love interest Ivon McGruder, and the Enterprise's former security officer Tasha Yar. After some comedic high jinx, all three are resorted to life (including Rimmer. Being their test subject). At the end they all said their goodbyes and go their separate ways. With the Red Dwarf crew heading back to Earth (all though it was never made clear if they had returned to their own universe).

The Animation:
The animation looked liked it was made by Microsoft paint. There are a lot of bright colours and many recognisable objects are oddly shaped. But as a cartoon it is ok by my standards.

The sound and audio:
Again it is basic. Many of the voices are spot on with a view that are off centred. Cat has been given a Australian accent and both Holy's and Data's voices were made by that android voice thing that reads things out to you. The audio can be a bit on the dull side. But the thing that I like is the merge of both the main theme tunes.

Overall thoughts:
Its not that great of a animation show. It can be seen as boring and unfunny sometimes. But it is great to see two popular science fiction shows meeting together. If the original creators are still doing their Youtube channel, then they might redo this. With up to date animation and voice editing. But for me it is great to watch and something to pass the time. Just search Red Trek Flash Animation on Youtube and you will find it.

Rate: Three and a half stars out of five.

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